Adding Additional Documents to a Procedure Template
  • 07 Feb 2024
  • 3 読む分

Adding Additional Documents to a Procedure Template

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Who can use this feature?
  🌐 ✔️ MES (v6.5.X, v7.X.X) ✔️ LES (v6.5.X, v7.X.X) ✔️ AWI (v6.5.X, v7.X.X)
  💻 Web app
  👤 Content Creator, System Admin, and procedure template co-author users

Many manufacturing and laboratory processes require that documents be attached to a procedure run. Some of those documents may be created during (or are otherwise dependent on) procedure execution, and some may be available before a procedure template goes through review and approval.

Attachments can be added to a procedure in all supported versions of Tempo MES, LES, and AWI. This article covers adding Attached Documents and Placeholder Documents to procedure templates in Tempo v6.5.X and Tempo v7.0.X. In Tempo v7.0.X, the Linked SOP feature displays on the Attachments tab with other attached documents; to learn more about the Linked SOP feature, refer to the Adding a Linked SOP (Linked Procedure) to a Procedure Template article.

Attached documents and placeholder documents added through the Attachments tab (Additional Documents tab in v6.5.X) are only available on the procedure run within the web app; they cannot be accessed by operators during procedure execution on the iOS app.

This article is composed of the following topics:


Prior to completing the steps in any of the sections below, create or open the relevant draft procedure template in the Tempo web app.

  • To edit a procedure template, it must be in the Draft stage.
  • Only the user who created a procedure template and any users assigned as a procedure co-author can edit a procedure template.

Adding an attached document to a procedure template

Some terminology differs between Tempo v6.5.X and Tempo v7.0.X, indicated in the steps below.

For documents that are available before a procedure template goes through review and approval, a procedure author may upload the document during procedure template authoring.

  1. From a draft procedure template's details page, click the Attachments (Additional Documents) tab, then click Attached Documents (Documents).
  2. Click Add Document. The Add Document dialog displays.
  3. Select or enter the information in the required fields:
    • Document: Upload the document from your computer. Supported filetypes include PDF, DOCX, PNG, and JPG.
    • Document Name: The name for this document.
  4. Click Add Document.
  • Document files can be previewed by selecting the zoom_in View icon and can be downloaded by selecting the cloud_download Download icon.
  • Document files can be replaced or attributes can be edited by selecting the edit Edit icon, then making any necessary edits.
  • Documents can be removed by selecting the delete Remove icon.

Adding a placeholder document to a procedure template

For documents that cannot be uploaded until procedure execution, a procedure author may create a document placeholder during procedure template authoring. Once the procedure run begins, the document itself can be added to the procedure run through the web app.

  1. From a draft procedure template's details page, click the Attachments (Additional Documents) tab, then click Placeholder Documents (Placeholders).
  2. Click Add Placeholder. The Add Placeholder dialog displays.
  3. Select or enter the information in the required fields:
    • Required?: Indicate whether uploading this document during the procedure run is required or optional (default). If a document is required, the procedure run cannot be completed until a document is uploaded.
    • Document Name: The name for this document.
  4. Click Add Placeholder.
  • Placeholder document attributes can be edited by selecting the edit Edit icon, then making any necessary edits..
  • Placeholder documents can be removed by selecting the delete Remove icon.

Next steps

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