Adding Resources to a Procedure Template (v6.5)
  • 19 Oct 2023
  • 6 読む分

Adding Resources to a Procedure Template (v6.5)

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Who can use this feature?
  🌐 ✔️ MES (v6.5.X) ✔️ LES (v6.5.X)
  💻 Web app
  👤 Content Creator, System Admin, and procedure template co-author users

Resources can be added to procedure templates in all supported versions of Tempo MES and LES. This article covers adding resources to procedure templates in Tempo v6.5.X. For information about adding parameters, constants, and resources to a procedure template in Tempo v7.0.X, review the Adding Parameters, Constants, and Resources to a Procedure Template article.

The Resources tab on a procedure template allows a user to designate certain resources that will be used during procedure execution as part of a draft procedure template.

Once resources have been added to the Resources tab, they can be directly and indirectly referenced in the inputs and actions in the procedure template, including:

  • Inputs: Resource
  • Actions: Load Plate (arrays only)
  • Input: Table - Sample Plate (arrays only; requires that a load plate action has been added in a previous step)
  • Actions: Dispense (material only; requires that a material resource input has been added in a previous step)
  • Actions: Consume Material (material only; requires that a material resource input has been added in a previous step)

For more information about adding inputs and actions to a procedure template, refer to the following articles:

    • Equipment and material resources are available as part of either the MES or LES package.
    • Sample and array resources are only available as part of the LES package.
      Key information about samples and arrays is managed within the Resource tab, including:
      • Sample replicate & dilution information on the sample resource.
      • Array zone assignment and overall zone layout on the array resource.

This article is composed of the following topics:


Prior to completing the steps in any of the sections below, create or open the relevant draft procedure template in the Tempo web app. (To learn more about locating procedure templates in the Tempo web app, review the Procedure Templates Overview article.)

  • To edit a procedure template, it must be in the Draft stage.
  • Only the user who created a procedure template and any users assigned as a procedure co-author can edit a procedure template.

Adding an equipment resource to a procedure template

  1. From the relevant procedure template, click Resources > Equipment > Add equipment. The Add Equipment dialog displays.
  2. Select or enter the information in the required fields:
    • Name: The name for this equipment within this procedure template.
    • Identifier: A unique character string that allows this equipment resource to be referenced elsewhere in the procedure. (The system auto-populates an identifier based on the name field.)
    • Class: The class for this equipment.
  3. (OPTIONAL) Enter the information in the additional fields:
    • Subclass: The subclass for this equipment.
    • Specific resource: The specific equipment instance to use.
    • Alternative class: A permitted alternative class for this equipment.
    • Alternative subclass: A permitted alternative subclass for this equipment. Displays if an alternative class is selected.
  4. Click the Usable checkbox if you want to require the equipment to be calibrated and usable before it can be used to execute the procedure; leave the checkbox unchecked if this is not a requirement for this equipment.
  5. Click Add Equipment. The new equipment displays in the equipment list on the Equipment tab.

Adding a material resource to a procedure template

  1. From the relevant procedure template, click Resources > Materials > Add material. The Add Material dialog displays.
  2. Select or enter the information in the required fields:
    • Name: The name for this material within this procedure template.
    • Identifier: A unique character string that allows this material resource to be referenced elsewhere in the procedure. (The system auto-populates an identifier based on the name field.)
    • Class: The class for this material.
  3. (OPTIONAL) Enter the information in the additional fields:
    • Subclass: The subclass for this material.
    • Specific resource: The specific material definition to use.
    • Alternative class: A permitted alternative class for this material.
    • Alternative subclass: A permitted alternative subclass for this material. Displays if an alternative class is selected.
  4. Click the Usable checkbox if you want to require the material to be usable before it can be used to execute the procedure; leave the checkbox unchecked if this is not a requirement for this material.
  5. Click Add Material. The new material displays in the material list on the Materials tab.

Adding a sample resource to a procedure template

This functionality is part of the LES package.

  1. From the relevant procedure template, click Resources > Samples.
  2. Select or enter the information in the required fields:
    • Sample Class: The class for this sample.
    • Sample Subclass: The subclass for this sample.
    • Minimum Number of Samples: The minimum number of samples required for this procedure.
    • Maximum Number of Samples: The maximum number of samples required for this procedure.
    • Total Replicates: The number of replicates for this procedure.
  3. (OPTIONAL) Define the sample dilution properties by clicking Add Row in the Sample Dilution Properties section of the page. Once a row has been added, enter a Dilution Name and Dilution Value for that row. Repeat for as many sample dilution properties as required (maximum 10).
    • To edit a sample dilution property, locate the row to edit, then make any necessary changes.
    • To delete a sample dilution property, locate the row to edit, then make any necessary changes. Click the delete Remove icon that displays to the right in that row.
  4. Scroll to the top of the Samples tab, then click Save. The sample information will display on the Samples tab.

Adding an array resource to a procedure template

This functionality is part of the LES package.

  1. From the relevant procedure template, click Resources > Arrays > Add arrays. The Create New Array Template dialog displays.
  2. Select or enter the information in the required fields:
    • Array Resource ID: The name for this array within this procedure template.
    • Array Class: The class for this array.
    • Subclass: The subclass for this array.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Use the array template layout provided to define array zones.
    • During execution, samples can only allocated into wells that are not assigned to an array zone.
    • The names of array zones are set on the array subclass level. Users are not required to define wells for every zone available for an array subclass.
    • Click Create New to create a new zone. All available zone types display in a dropdown.
    • Select the desired zone type, then click all wells that should fall within this zone.
    • Click the check_circle icon to save the wells to that zone.
    • Repeat this step as necessary until all relevant zones are defined.
  5. Click Create to create the array template resource. The new array template displays in the arrays list on the Arrays tab.

Next steps

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