Creating & Configuring a Procedure Template (v6.5)
  • 19 Oct 2023
  • 6 読む分

Creating & Configuring a Procedure Template (v6.5)

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Who can use this feature?
  🌐 ✔️ MES (v6.5.X) ✔️ AWI (v6.5.X) ✔️ LES (v6.5.X)
  💻 Web app
  👤 Content Creator, System Admin, and procedure template co-author users

Procedure templates can be created and configured in all supported versions of Tempo MES, LES, and AWI. This article covers creating and configuring procedure templates in Tempo v6.5.X. For information about creating and configuring procedure templates in Tempo v7.0.X, review the Creating & Configuring a Procedure Template article.

Creating a new procedure template

Follow the steps below to begin the process of creating a new procedure template in the Tempo web application.

  1. Click cloud Tempo > Procedures > Templates. The Procedure Templates page displays.
  2. Click Create new Procedure Template. The Create New Procedure Template dialog displays.
  3. Select or enter the information in the required fields:
    • Title: The name of the procedure template. Each procedure template title needs to be unique.
    • Type: The type of procedure template you plan to create. Options include Batch Record, General Method, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), and Test Method.

      The primary purpose of the template type is to make it simpler for users to filter and organize their templates. Your organization can decide how to define and use different template types; there are no functionality differences in the procedure template based on template type.

  4. (OPTIONAL) Tags are a tool for filtering templates. If relevant, enter one or more Tags for the procedure template.
  5. Click Next. The Author Information dialog displays.
  6. (OPTIONAL) To assign additional users as procedure authors, click the checkbox next to their name.
  7. When you are done selecting authors, click Next. The Source Document dialog displays.
  8. Select whether you plan to build a fully-digital procedure template or if you plan to use a source PDF:
    • If you plan to create a procedure template without a source document, click No, I don't have a source document.
    • If you plan to use a source document from your device, click I have a local PDF > Choose your file, then select the PDF to use as the source.
    • If you plan to use a source document from your integrated DMS (requires integration), click I have a PDF in Document Management System (DMS) > Choose your DMS file, then select the PDF to use as the source.

    Once a procedure template has been created from a PDF source document, the PDF source document for that procedure template cannot be changed.

  9. Click Create. The new procedure template displays.

Configuring and accessing procedure template options

After a procedure author creates a new procedure template, you have the ability to manage additional configuration options by clicking the more_horiz More Options icon located in the upper right corner of the page.

The following items display on the more_horiz More Options menu:

  • As a best practice, make any necessary configurations to Template Configuration Settings and Template Exceptions Settings prior to making further edits to your procedure template. However, updates to these configurations can be made at any point while a procedure template is in the Draft status.

Template Configuration Settings

Each procedure template allows the procedure author to configure certain procedure review and execution requirements. The Template Configuration Settings menu provides access to the following configuration options:

  • Enforce sequentiality: Enabled by default. If enabled, operators must complete each step within the procedure in sequential order; any divergence from sequentiality requires a signature and override.
  • Must complete all steps in this procedure: Disabled by default. If enabled, operators must complete every step in the procedure prior to marking the procedure complete; any divergence from step completion requires a signature and override.
  • Review and Approval is required for this procedure: Enabled by default. If enabled, the procedure will be required to go through all review and approval stages before it can be executed.

    If Review and Approval is required for this procedure is disabled, the procedure may skip from the Draft stage to the Effective stage (e.g., to support system testing outside of manufacturing or laboratory use).
    For additional information about procedure template review and approval stages, review the Procedure Template Lifecycle & Stages Overview article.

  • Enable PI Event Frame Generation (requires PI integration): Disabled by default. If enabled, the procedure will automatically create PI Event Frames with all Relevant Step Details in the target PI Integration.

Template Exceptions Settings

Each procedure template allows the procedure author to configure whether exceptions that may occur during the procedure run should block execution until they are approved.


In addition to template-specific exception settings, there are also system-level exception settings. System-level exception settings determine which types of actions trigger exceptions in the system; an exception must be triggered for execution blocking configurations to apply.

  • For additional information about configuring exceptions at the system level, including definitions of each exception type, refer to the Configuring Exceptions article.

  • For additional information on how the system handles exception blocking, refer to the Exception Blocking article.

The Template Exceptions Settings menu provides access to the following configuration options:

  • Block execution for Critical Values: Disabled by default. If enabled, when a Critical Value is recorded, the procedure will be blocked until the associated exception is approved​; this requires Critical Values to be set to Trigger Exception at the system level.
  • Block execution for Process Exceptions: Disabled by default. If enabled, when a Process Exception occurs, the procedure will be blocked until the associated exception is approved; this requires Process Exceptions to be set to Trigger Exception at the system level.
  • Block execution for Process Notes: Disabled by default. If enabled, when a Process Note is recorded, the procedure will be blocked until the associated exception is approved; this requires Process Notes to be set to Trigger Exception at the system level.
  • Block execution for Resource Exceptions: Disabled by default. If enabled, when a Resource Exception occurs, the procedure will be blocked until the associated exception is approved; this requires Resource Exceptions to be set to Trigger Exception at the system level.
  • Block execution for Value Exceptions: Disabled by default. If enabled, when a Value Exception occurs, the procedure will be blocked until the associated exception is approved; this requires Process Exceptions to be set to Trigger Exception at the system level.

Duplicate Procedure Template

The Duplicate Procedure Template menu item enables a procedure author​ to make a copy of this procedure template. A new procedure template title must be provided; all data will be copied over except for the template's assignees and configurations.


This functionality is distinct from creating a new version of a single procedure template. The Duplicate Procedure Template option can expedite the creation of a different procedure template that is similar to the one being duplicated.

The Copy Procedure Template Link menu item copies the procedure template link to your device's clipboard so you can easily share it with procedure co-authors and other colleagues who have access to procedure templates.

Export Procedure Template

The Export Procedure Template menu item enables a procedure author to export an effective procedure template, including all augmented steps, resources, and settings.

Archive Procedure Template

The Archive Procedure Template menu item enables a procedure author to archive an effective procedure template; this should only be done if no version of the procedure template will be needed for future execution.

Reset Procedure Navigation

The Reset Procedure Navigation menu item enables a procedure author to reset procedure navigation in the event that procedure navigation needs to be reset or recreated on a procedure template.

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