Procedure Runs Overview (v6.5.X)
  • 23 Feb 2024
  • 3 読む分

Procedure Runs Overview (v6.5.X)

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Who can use this feature?
  🌐 ✔️ MES (v6.5.X) ✔️ AWI (v6.5.X) ✔️ LES (v6.5.X)
  💻 Web app
  👤 Content Creator, Operative, Supervisory, Quality, System Admin, and procedure run assignee users

VERSION NOTE: Procedure Runs can be created in all supported versions of Tempo MES. This article provides an overview of procedure runs in Tempo v6.5.X web application, as well as links to related articles. For information about creating a procedure run in Tempo v7.0+, review the [Procedure Runs Overview (v7.0+)](/v1/docs/procedure-runs-overview-v70) article.
During the drafting process, procedures are authored within the Tempo web application as procedure templates. Once a procedure template has been authored and approved, it can be assigned for execution as a **procedure run**. (Customers that use the MES package can also add procedures to batch templates; procedures may be arranged within specific unit operations within the batch template. Once a batch template has been authored and approved, it can be assigned for execution as a batch run. Each batch run contains one or more procedure runs.)

As soon as an operator begins procedure execution, the system creates a summary of the procedure run within the Tempo web app. Depending on the stage a procedure run is in, certain actions can be taken from the procedure run in the web app, such as assigning additional operators to execute the run or submitting a completed procedure run for approval.

Accessing the Procedure Runs page

From the left navigation panel, click cloud Tempo > Procedures > Runs. A list of the procedure runs that the user can view or edit displays.


Access to procedure runs is limited based upon a user's role and whether they have been assigned to a specific procedure run.

From this page, users can access the following functions:

  • Manage or review an existing procedure run.
  • Customize filter views to fit display preferences.
    • Click Columns to select which columns to display in the list.
      • Columns reflect specific information stored on a procedure run within the system, including information such as Title, Initiator, State, and Date Started.
    • Click filter_list Filter next to a column of your choice, then select a filter criteria and enter a term in the search bar to filter results.
    • Click Reset Filters to reset the filter view.

Creating a new procedure run

Tempo automatically creates a summary of a procedure run within the Tempo web app as soon as an operator begins executing that procedure. (If a procedure is part of a batch run, Tempo creates the procedure run when the operator begins executing that specific procedure within the batch run.)

Understanding procedure run tabs

Once a procedure run has been created, users can access the run by clicking the procedure title on the Procedure Runs page (cloud Tempo > Procedures > Runs).

Each tab located at the top of a procedure run provides access to specific information about the run:

SummaryDisplays high-level information about the Progress, Duration, Users, Details, Exceptions/A-Notes and Material Outputs of the run.
AssignProvides the ability to assign users to execute this procedure and view assignees.
ExceptionsDisplays any exceptions triggered while executing the procedure run.
ParametersDisplays a list of any parameters added to this run's procedure template.
StepsDisplays a list of the steps that make up this procedure run with information about execution progress.
ResourcesDisplays information about the resources added to this run's procedure template.
A-NotesDisplays the type and details of any A-Note(s) created during execution.
HistoryProvides a history of key actions related to the procedure run.
AttachmentsProvides access to upload or view documents attached to the procedure run.

Next steps

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