Tempo v7.3 Visual Builder Documentation
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Tempo v7.3 Visual Builder Documentation

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Visual Builder Verification Documentation

The template can be used for internal or external documentation.

Feature Overview

Due to the complexity of Visual Builder a number of verification checks have been added to ensure that it is configured correctly. Please see below a list of the verification checks and how to resolve them.

1. Step does not have any connections.

- Description: The step doesn't have any connections going to or from it. Note, this verification error does not occur if there is only one step in the procedure as the procedure must have a starting node (Step 1) and ending node (Step X)

- Fix:  Add a second step to the procedure and add a connection from Step 1 to Step X.

2. Orphaned connection is missing a starting and ending step.

- Description: This occurs when a connection is in limbo and isn't currently connected to any steps.

- Fix: In order to resolve please click on the connection and press the delete key on the keyboard.

3. Step designated with step number 1 should have one or more connections from it.

- Description: Step number 1 in the procedure is the starting node for the Procedure. No connections should be going to it, Step 1 should only have connections coming from it to another Step.

- Fix: Rearrange the procedure so that Step 1 is the starting node in the procedure. Or renumber the steps so Step 1 is at the start of the procedure.

4. Step is not reachable from first step (designated with step number 1).

- Description: There is currently no valid path from Step 1 to the Ending node of Step 3.

- Fix: Restructure the procedure and add the missing connection so there is a valid path from Step 1 to the ending node of Step 3 without any errors.

5. There is more than one terminal step: {{ step name }}

- Description: If there are multiple "Ending" nodes, the user will be prompted with the error “There is more than on Terminal Step“

- Fix: In order to resolve this please ensure there is a singular step as the “Ending“ node.

6. Connection is missing a starting step

- Description: A step has been deleted and the connection remains. An error will be displayed stating “Connection is missing a starting step”.

- Fix: Please delete this connection by selecting it and using the delete key.

7. Connection is missing an ending step

- Description: A step has been deleted and the connection remains. An error will be displayed stating “Connection is missing an ending step”.

- Fix: Please delete this connection by selecting it and using the delete key.

8. Connection is from a step that has one or more non-conditional connections going from it

- Description: A step can't have both conditional navigation lines going from it, and non-conditional navigation lines going from it.

- Fix: Either remove the step navigation lines (via the step navigation form) or manually delete the non-conditional lines via the delete key on the keyboard.

9. Extra connection from step {{ step name }} to step {{ step name }}

- Description: There are multiple IF or ELSE connections coming from a step.

- Fix: Delete the extra connections via the step navigation form.

10. Duplicate connection from step {{ step name }} to step {{ step name }}

- Description: There is an identical (aka duplicate) connection from one step to another.

- Fix: Delete with the Delete key if it's a non-conditional line. If it's a conditional line, delete it via the step navigation form.

11. In ability to delete a step

- Description: One error the users may see is the in-ability to delete steps sometimes because of reference errors. The most common of these being that the step has conditional navigation

- Fix: First delete the conditional navigation within the step (or no longer point to the step the want to delete. For example, point the ELSE case at a different step), then delete.

Please use the Red Trash Can to delete a conditional navigation connection and save the form.

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