Tempo v7.0 Release Notes
  • 05 Mar 2024
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Tempo v7.0 Release Notes

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Introducing the Tempo v7.0 release


Information provided prior to release is subject to change.
This article was last updated 10/27/2023.

General platform updates

User interface updates

With the Tempo v7.0 release, Apprentice has made significant enhancements to the user experience within the system. This includes a more streamlined web application navigation menu experience, as well as improvements to procedure authoring and more.

  • The Business Intelligence icon () was removed from the navigation menu. Most logs are now available via cloud Tempo > Logs. (Tandem logs are now available via Tandem > Logs.) Further, most system objects (such as templates, materials, equipment, locations, and more) now include a History tab. For additional information about the enhancements to logs in Tempo v7.0, refer to the Audit log enhancements section of the release notes.
  • The Configuration menu option has been renamed Settings (settings Platform > Settings.
  • Users and User Groups now display under the new Users menu option settings Platform > Users.
  • The Tempo dashboard has been removed. The information that had previously displayed on the Integrations tab is now available within a new integrations section of the menu (settings Platform > Team Integrations. This section includes menu options for Integrations (if applicable), Events, and Printers.
    • Integrations includes Integration Configurations, Integration Status, and Integration Logs.
    • Events includes Event Queue Endpoints, Event Configuration, and Event Logs.
    • Printers includes access to the Printers page. For additional information, refer to the New cloud printing capabilities section of the release notes.
  • A number of changes have been made to the procedure template authoring and procedure run execution experience. For additional information about enhancements to procedures in Tempo v7.0, refer to the Procedure Template Enhancements, New Web Execution Capabilities, and Procedure Run Enhancements sections of the release notes.

Behind-the-scenes technical investments

As part of development work for the Tempo v7.0 release, Apprentice made a huge investment in specific backend areas of the system, such as the authoring data model and the iOS app. These updates were made with a focus on improved performance of the Tempo Manufacturing Cloud.

Development / validation / production environment switching

Previously, users managed access to different Tempo environments using different URLs and logins with no connections among different accounts.

With the 7.0 release, a customer’s environments are connected on the backend in a way that allows users to log in once and access any other environments in which they have an account using the same exact email address or SSO credentials. Users can switch environments by clicking the v Switch Environment icon next to the Apprentice logo in the upper left corner of the system, then clicking through the list and selecting the destination environment name.

To indicate which of a customer’s environments is active, Tempo development and validation environments display a banner at the top of the page. Production environments do not display a banner.

Updates to Transfers page

The look-and-feel of the Transfers page (settings Platform > Settings) has been refreshed. The Create New Environment Transfer button only permits transfers to a customer's validation environment from their development environment, or to their production environment from their validation environment.

SSO users can now make transfers on the Transfers page.

PIN/Password Settings Updates

All PIN and password settings have been moved to a new PIN/Password Settings tab within settings Platform > Settings. This tab includes the following settings:

Password Rotation (new setting, previously managed by Apprentice): Set the number of days after which users in this system must rotate their password.
PIN Length (previously on the Settings tab)
Rotate PIN (previously on the Settings tab)
PIN Rotation Limit (Days) (previously on the Settings tab)

Additionally, as part of system setup or at any point upon request, Apprentice can configure the number of incorrect login attempts that a user is permitted before the system locks their account. The default value is 5; customers can request any value from 3 to 8.

Updated signature reasons



This feature applies wherever signatures or PINs are collected in MES, LES, or AWI and can support any customer-preferred reason terminology.

Tempo requires a user’s signature to confirm many actions related to resources, templates, runs, and other system functionality.

Previously, when users signed for one of these actions, a free text field displayed to capture any additional required information. Now, a Reason dropdown and a Reason Description field display. The user must select a reason from the Reason dropdown; this action prompts the Reason Description field to populate with a default value.

The list of reasons and default reason descriptions can be added, edited, and deleted from a new Signatures tab within settings Platform > Settings. The following information is configurable for each reason:
Reason: Sets the name of the reason that displays in the Reason dropdown.
Reason Description: Sets the default description for this reason that populates in the Reason Description field.
Modifiable: Sets whether the user can modify the text in the Reason Description field for this reason at time of signature.

User-defined units of measurement

With the v7.0 release, users can add custom units of measurement to their system within settings Platform > Units of Measurement by clicking the Add Unit of Measurement button. The system prompts the user to provide the unit of measurement, and an optional description and alias; the user can also define whether this unit of measurement can be used for inventory tracking, is enabled for selection in procedures, and displays its alias.

Units of measurement are case-sensitive (that is, Kg would be treated as a separate unit from kg). When the user provides a unit of measurement, the system checks that exact case-sensitive value to determine whether a unit of measurement already exists in the system.

New cloud printing service capabilities

Tempo can now integrate to print with cloud printing services such as NiceLabel and Bartender.

A new Printers option, listed under the settings Platform menu, provides system and integration (site) admins with access to register a new printer or manage registered printers. All printers must have a name and serial number listed; location information can also be optionally specified. These printers display in a selectable list for printing-related actions.

A new Printing event type and new Event Triggers for printing-related process actions are available via settings Platform > Events > Event Configuration. The following label types are available:

  • Material Sublot: For printing a sublot label via the web.
  • Dispense: For printing a sublot label after dispense action.
  • Material Output - Primary: For printing a sublot label after primary material output process action.
  • Material Output - Bi-Product: For printing a sublot label after Bi-Product material output process action.
  • Material Output - Intermediate: For printing a sublot after Intermediate material output process action.
  • Equipment: For printing an equipment label (web or iOS)
  • Create Kit: For printing a kit label (web or iOS)

Each label has a mix of substitution fields and hardcoded fields on the Output Configuration tab to enable individual label configuration with default Tempo information pre-populated by label type. The Active toggle must be enabled to display in the selectable list for printing-related actions.

On web and iOS apps, when clicking the Print button next to an Equipment Instance, Material Sublot, or Kit, the user has the option to print the QR Code and a new option to print a label. After selecting Print Label, the user is prompted to select a Printer, a Label Type, and a Quantity (When printing from the web app, the user can choose a quantity from 1 to * When printing from the iOS app, the user can choose a quantity from 1 to 20.) The system presents the user with a choice of pre-configured label types, if available. If no label types have been configured yet, the user can click to configure a new label.

After selecting the Printer, Label Type, and Quantity, then clicking Print, the payload of the label is sent to the corresponding Event Queue that is specified in the label event configuration. When printing via iOS during procedure run/batch run execution, the procedure run/batch run information will be included in the printing payload.

Updated authentication options for REST Event Queue Endpoints

As part of the development work to support generic cloud label printing, any Event Queue Endpoint with the type REST can now support either Basic or API Key authorization.

Unless an API Key exists, the user should select Basic and provide a username and password. (These fields are required; if an endpoint is open, the user still must enter text values into the fields.)

If an API Key exists, the user must select API Key and provide an API Name and API Token. The API Token field is treated like a password and blanked out after saving.

Label logs enhancements

A number of enhancements have been made to label logs to support the new printing functionality:

  • A new column, Printer Name, has been added to indicate which printer was used to print a label.
  • When clicking a specific label log to review it, two new options, Destroy Label and Reprint Label, display.
    • Destroy Label displays the Destroy Label confirmation message. Upon clicking Destroy, the user must sign off on the action. Once destroyed, the Label Log instance will have its Label Status updated to Destroyed. The destroyed label can be reprinted, in which case a new Label Log entry will be generated.
    • Reprint Label displays the Print Label popup. The original printer displays in the Select Printer dropdown but can be updated to a different printer; the original Label Type and Quantity are pre-populated and uneditable. Upon clicking Print, the original content of the printed label payload will be sent to the event queue that is tied to the label type. This will create a new entry in the Label Log where the Label Status field will say Reprinted.
  • When labels are printed from the system via the Parameterized Dispense or Parameterized Output process actions, the following label data will be included in the label log:
    • Type: Material Sublot (if printing a Sublot from Web), Material Output, or Material Dispensing
    • Source: Procedure Run Name, Procedure Template Name, Step Name, Process Action Name, Material Sublot Name, Material Lot, Location, Quantity (with unit of measure).
    • Content of Label: Either QR Code or the Event ID associated with the label print.
    • Label Status: Printed.
    • Number of Labels: 1.
    • User: User who printed the label.
    • Comment: Any comments that are part of the label print.
    • IP: The IP of the device that printed the label.
    • Timestamp: The time that the label was printed.

Audit log enhancements

A key area of investment in Tempo 7.0 was to create an improved user experience with system audit logs. This includes work in two general categories:

  1. Localization of history logs such that each object has its own dedicated History tab with logs relevant to just that object.
  2. Expansion of logs such that users can access aggregate logs across multiple objects of the same entity type.

Localization of history logs

Each of the following objects now have a history tab located directly on the object for ease of reference:

  • Batch Templates
  • Procedure Templates
  • Batch Parameter Groups
  • Equipment Classes
  • Equipment Subclasses
  • Material Classes
  • Material Subclasses
  • Material Lots
  • Material Inventory
  • Kits
  • Sample Classes
  • Samples Subclasses
  • Array Classes
  • Array Subclasses
  • Settings (formerly Configuration)
  • User Groups
  • Printers
  • Locations (Site, Building, Area, Unit)
  • Statuses
  • Integration Configurations
  • Event Queue Endpoints
  • Event Configuration.

Expansion of logs

The following new types of logs have been added to the system:

  • Equipment
    • Equipment Master Data (Aggregate history logs of all Equipment Classes / Subclasses)
    • Equipment Operations (Aggregate history logs of all Equipment Instances)
  • Materials
    • Material Master Data (Aggregate history logs of all Material Classes / Subclasses)
    • Inventory Operations (Aggregate history logs of all Material Lots / Sublots)
  • Samples
    • Sample Master Data (Aggregate history logs of all Sample Classes / Subclasses & Array Classes / Subclasses)
    • Sample Operations (Aggregate history logs of all Samples & Array Instances)
    • Array Master Data (Aggregate history logs of all Array Classes / Subclasses)
    • Array Operations (Aggregate history logs of all Array Instances)
  • Settings (formerly Configuration)
    • Settings Logs (Aggregate history logs of all User Groups, Devices, Locations, Statuses, Configuration)

Additional changes

  • User Change Logs were renamed to Security Logs.
  • Creation Logs are being sunset (with the information previously captured in these logs now available on the new specific history tabs and logs). Customers who implemented Tempo prior to 7.0 have access to legacy Creation Logs.
  • Procedure / Batch Templates and Batch Parameter Groups Version History have been replaced by their respective new History tabs.
  • CSV export is no longer supported for logs; printing the current screen remains supported.

Updates to the in-system Effective Permissions table

The Procedure, Batches, and Exceptions sections have been removed from the Effective Permissions table within the Group and User screens. Permissions for these areas of the system can be reviewed in the User Groups Overview article.

System date/time format

During system setup or upon request, Apprentice staff can now configure the date/time format for a customer's system to display in one of four supported formats:

  • MM/DD/YYYY 12 hour clock (AM/PM) (Time Zone)
  • MM/DD/YYYY 24 hour clock (Time Zone)
  • DD/MM/YYYY 12 hour clock (AM/PM) (Time Zone)
  • DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock (Time Zone)

Import enhancements


  • In order to simplify the process of preparing a system import, imports now use Name instead of ID to identify system objects for import (for example, using the Class Name instead of the Class ID for a class import).
  • CSV imports are now capped at 250 lines per import.

Filter and column selection persistence

Tempo now remembers the filters that a user has most recently been applied to a page; some pages also support column selection persistence.

To remove applied filters, select Filters Applied > Clear All Filters.

Resources & locations



For some use cases, multiple material sublots can be managed within a single “kit.” To support these cases, Operative, Supervisory, and System Admin users now have the ability to create kits ad hoc from the web app or as a process action during a procedure run. Once created, kits can be used during procedure and batch execution.

Creating ad hoc kits

A new option, Kits, is available from the Materials menu (cloud Tempo > Materials). The Kits page provides access to any previously-created kits and allows users to create a new kit and define the name, ID, scan ID, location, and material components for that kit.

Creating kits during a procedure run

Users can also create a kit during procedure execution on the iOS app.
As a prerequisite, the procedure author must add a new process action, Create Kit, to the relevant procedure template. At this point, the procedure author also chooses whether input materials must be specified from the Bill of Materials (BOM) or can be added without restriction, as well as whether to print a label for the kit.

During the Create Kit process action during execution, the operator sets the kit name and location and adds material to the kit. If the kit’s input materials are tied to the BOM, the iOS app also provides guidance to the operator about the material quantities expected. The iOS app can support overrides, if necessary (for example, if a specified material is not available and the operator chooses to scan a different available material instead). Material sublots can also be returned or scrapped from the kit, if necessary.

Using a kit during execution

Users can use a kit during procedure execution on the iOS app.

As a prerequisite, the procedure author must add a new process action, Use Kit, to the relevant procedure template. At this point, the procedure author also specifies the input materials to use from the Bill of Materials (BOM). The kit must also be in a Usable state in order to be used.

During the Use Kit process action during execution, the operator scans the kit and reviews its content. If necessary, the operator can add additional materials to the kit before the kit is used, or return or scrap those materials.


The current implementation does not support simultaneous multi-user execution of the create kit and use kit process actions. Customers are advised to only have one operator work on these process actions at any given time.

New menu options for material lots and material inventory (sublots)

Previously, material lots and sublots could only be accessed through a material definition. Now, in addition to Material Definitions, there are Material Lots and Material Inventory (sublots) options available directly from the Materials menu (cloud Tempo > Materials). Users may also continue to access material lots and sublots from a material definition, as before.

The new Material Lots page (cloud Tempo > Materials > Material Lots) provides access to any previously-created material lots and allows users to create a new lot. This page is designed for the convenience of Quality users.

The new Material Inventory page (cloud Tempo > Materials > Material Inventory) provides access to any previously-created material sublots and allows users to create a new sublot. This page is designed for the convenience of Supervisory / Operative users.

New material lot custom properties

Custom properties associated with a material can exist at the material definition and material lot level, depending on the specifics of the property. A new dropdown, Level, displays when setting material class or subclass custom properties. The user can select Definition or Lot to indicate whether the specific custom property should be managed on the Custom Properties tab at the material definition or material lot level.

Alternate units of measure and conversion factors for materials (ERP integration)

A new tab, Alternate Units of Measure, has been added to material definitions. On this tab, users can set up one or many alternate units of measurement for the given material. Switching to an alternative unit of measure is only possible via ERP integration at this time.

For each alternate unit of measure, the user provides a base quantity in the base unit of measure, the conversion factor, and the alternate unit of measure. This allows the system to determine compatibility with a scale’s unit of measure and to convert the measurement if necessary and defined. The system can also manage conversions when used with bulk scan and the consume or output action.

System lot generation for material lots and sublots

To better support users, Tempo now randomly generates lot numbers upon the creation of material lots and sublots; these numbers can be updated by the user at creation if desired.

Procedures & batches - authoring

Procedure template enhancements

Apprentice’s investment in enhancing the procedure authoring experience within Tempo includes the following updates:

  • Augmented Steps was renamed to Steps.
  • The Procedure Template PDF viewer has been removed from all tabs except the Steps tab.
  • The option to transition a procedure built with the Augmented PDF Builder to one that uses List Builder has been added to more_horiz More Options > Convert to Basic Process Flow (Remove PDF). The PDF moves to the Attachments tab; this action cannot be undone.
  • Linked Procedures was renamed to Linked SOPs.
  • Linked SOPs, Attached Documents, and Placeholder Documents all display on the procedure template Attachments tab.
  • Template Information Settings, Template Configuration Settings, and Template Exception Settings all display on the new procedure template Configuration tab.
  • Help text has been added to each process action to outline its intended use.
  • A new Add Process Action button has been added to each process action to make it simpler to save and add a new process action having to go back to the previous page.
  • A new Add Step button has been added to each step detail panel to make it simpler to add a new step without having to go back to the previous page.
  • A new View Runs button enables users to view all procedure runs associated with the current procedure template. Users can also create a new procedure run from here.
  • Misc. minor phrasing updates for consistency/accuracy (for example, removing the word Time from the Capture Type and Capture Conditions in Date and Time process actions).

New visual builder for procedure templates

Previously, procedure template authors could choose to build a procedure template based on a PDF or using a linear list builder within Tempo. Now, procedure template authors who need to create more complex procedures within Tempo have access to a new visual builder option as well.

Visual builder

For procedures authored using visual builder, the Steps tab displays a preview of each step, including the step name, the first 40 characters of instruction text, and icons that indicate what process actions and other information such as comments, technique media, step navigation, and signature requirements.

  • To edit a step, click the edit Edit con.
  • To add a parallel step connected to an existing step, click the + Add icon to the right of the step.
  • To add a child step connected to an existing step, click the + Add icon beneath the step.
  • To add a line, click the ↓ Line icon and cancel or connect the line.
  • To edit step navigation, click the ◇ Step Navigation icon, or access step navigation from the step detail page. Labels applied within step navigation display on the flow diagram.
  • The first and last steps must be singular, not parallel.
  • Enforce Step Sequentiality is enabled for all templates that use visual builder.
  • Visual builder is not compatible with CTRL + Z or Command + Z keyboard shortcuts.
  • Visual builder does not support step import.

Step navigation enhancements


New Condition process action

A new process action, Condition, provides procedure authors with the ability to do step navigation based on parameters and additional types of process actions. From a technical perspective, this is an always auto-executing process action that behaves identically to formulas and returns a True or False as the condition value as the condition is evaluated.

The following process actions can be referenced as part of the Condition process action:

  • Standard Formula Process Action
  • Time Formula Process Action
  • Date/Time Capture Process Action
  • Location Process Action
  • Value Type:
    • Short text
    • Number
    • Two-choice
  • Measure Type:
    • Manual
    • Checkbox
    • Dropdown
    • Parameters

Once the Value Type and Accepted Value(s) are selected, one or more conditions can be applied. Conditions can be combined using and, or, and either or options, allowing complex multi-condition navigation.

New If, Then, Else step navigation path builder

The step navigation feature now provides procedure authors with the ability to determine the step navigation path within procedure templates using an If, Then, Else statement builder. This allows procedure authors to define more than two potential paths that the procedure could progress depending upon conditions met.

  • If: Select the first (or only) Condition process action to use as the basis for this step navigation determination.
  • Then Navigate To: If the If condition is True, select the step that the system directs the operator to next.
  • Else If (for visual builder templates only): If the step navigation path requires additional conditions to be evaluated, use the Else If functionality to add additional conditions. Select the Condition process action to use as the basis for the next element of the step navigation determination, then set a Then Navigate To value for if the Else If condition is False.
  • Else: If all conditions are False, select the step that the system directs the operator to next.

The steps that the step navigation directs to can be either before or after the step navigation step, or they can loop back to the same step. No path should lead to any parallel step, a step that is parallel should not have step navigation built into it, and the step navigation statement should always have an Else statement to complete the sequence. This allows the ability to build more complex and flexible procedures that optimize production efficiency.

Enhanced Bill of Materials


The following enhancements have been made to the Bill of Materials (BOM), which is managed within the Resources > Materials section of the procedure template:

  • In order to make it easier to designate and view the materials that will be used in the procedure run and the ones that will be produced during the procedure run, the Materials section has been split into two subsections: Input Material and Output Material.
  • A new toggle, ERP Relevant, has been added to the create material modal in each section. If this toggle is enabled, an ERP Item Number field displays to capture information relevant to the ERP integration.
  • If the procedure author designates an alternative resource, the create material modal requires the unit of measure for the specific and alternative resources to match.
  • The procedure author can define the quantity of material and range required for the BOM.

Updates to inputs and actions (process actions)

Previously, the augmented step builder had different sections for inputs and actions. These process actions could not be reordered after they were added by a procedure template author.

Now, inputs and actions are combined into a single section of the augmented step builder called Process Actions.

The Process Actions section has a new design and includes the following updates:

  • All inputs and actions options are now categorized into the following types:
    • Inputs: Includes Value, Measure, Checkbox, Dropdown, Photo, Date/Time Capture, Table, and Formula inputs
    • Materials: Includes Material Scanning, Dispense, Consume Material, Create Kit, Use Kit, and Create Label actions
    • Equipment: Includes Equipment Scanning, Equipment Status, and Custom Properties actions
    • Samples: Includes Sampling, Arrays, and Table actions
    • Integrations (requires integration(s)): Includes Read from Integration, Write to Integration, and Event Trigger
    • More: Includes Link SOP, Timer, Location, and Condition actions
  • For process actions that are grouped together (for example, Samples > Table > Sample Table and Sample Plate Table) or have multiple types (for example, Inputs > Measure > Manual Entry, From Step Process Action and Parameter), each menu extends an additional level to allow the procedure author to pre-select the relevant process action or type.
  • Once added to a procedure template step during authoring, a process action can be reordered within the process actions list for that step by clicking more_horiz More Options > Move Up or more_horiz More Options > Move Down.
  • Related terminology changes, like use of the term process actions, have been made throughout the system.

Within a procedure template, process actions can now have identical names, but they must each have a unique identifier. For system references, the system will use the unique identifier. (If a process action does not have an identifier, the name/prompt should be unique and is used as the reference.)

When building a reference to a process action in a procedure template, the system consistently displays | to refer to the process action. (For example, within formulas, values or measures of the type From Step Input, and process actions like material output and equipment status of the type Reference Process Action.)

Additionally, the Integrations Query resource scan type has been removed in v7.0.

Enforce Step Sequentiality & Enforce Process Data Sequentiality template settings

As part of this set of changes to process actions, the setting previously named Enforce Sequentiality has been renamed Enforce Step Sequentiality (Configuration > Template Configuration Settings). The functionality of this setting has not changed. If enabled (default), this setting requires operators to progress through every step within a procedure in sequential order during execution.

Additionally, a new procedure template configuration setting, Enforce Process Data Sequentiality, is also available within Template Configuration Settings. If enabled (default), this setting requires operators to progress through every process action within a step in sequential order during execution. Process action sequentiality can be overridden by the operator, if necessary; this will trigger an exception.

Enhanced Material Output process action

When creating a Material Output process action, the procedure author now has the option to either use the Bill of Materials (BOM) and select the output material from the BOM or specify the material class, subclass, and specific resource for material output. For any Material Output process action, the procedure author may set material and product type information and select whether the system automatically generates a sublot name (or the author provides the target sublot number format, if the name will be operator-generated). The procedure author also determines how the date of manufacture and expiration date for the material output are defined (covered in more depth in the release note section below) and whether printing a label is required.
For any material that is not based on the BOM, the procedure author may also set the quantity, required number of decimal places, and conditions.
The run execution workflow for the Material Output process action has been highly enhanced, including:

  • The choice to create a new lot or select from an existing compatible lot.
  • An overview screen for weighing the material that shows the target, range, and actual amount weighed.
  • With each additional weigh-out, the operator has the ability to choose whether they want to weigh with scale integration or manually enter the weight value.
  • Enhanced capability to scrap material output or adjust quantity. (Quantity adjustments trigger an exception.)
  • With a single Material Output process action, operators can create multiple sublots during execution.

Enhanced Material Output date of manufacture workflow

As part of the enhancements made to the Material Output process action, the procedure author determines how the date of manufacture and expiration date for the material output are defined from the following options:

  • Set the date of manufacture
    • When a particular Process Action is completed: The author selects a different process action within the procedure. When the other process action is completed, the date of manufacture for the material output is set as the executed date and time of the other process action.
    • Manually enter a date: The operator selects a date manually during execution.
    • Select a date that has been set in a sublot’s lot: The author selects a Material Scanning process action within the procedure. When the Material Scanning action is completed, the date of manufacture for the material output is set as the date of manufacture for the scanned sublot’s lot.
    • This action: When this Material Output action is completed, the date of manufacture for the material output is set as the date and time of the Material Output action.
  • Expiration date (which has been extended to provide the option to record time in addition to the date when creating/updating a material lot)
    • Date of Manufacture plus Material Shelf Life: The system automatically calculates the expiration date by adding the date and time of manufacture to the material definition’s shelf life.
    • Get Expiration Date from sublot’s lot: The author selects a Material Scanning process action within the procedure. When the Material Scanning action is completed, the expiration date for the material output is set as the expiration date for the scanned sublot’s lot.
    • Manually enter a date: The operator selects a date manually during execution.

In the case where any date and time value cannot be dynamically calculated and set, the operator will have the ability to manually enter the values with appropriate exceptions being triggered. Once a material lot’s date of manufacture and expiration date is set, these values cannot be updated from the iOS app or web execution; they must be updated within the web app by editing the material lot values.

Enhanced Consume Material process action

When creating a Consume Material process action, the procedure author now has the option to either use the Bill of Materials and input material parameters or specify the material class, subclass, and specific resource for consumption. The procedure author may also select whether the material consumed must be allocated to the batch run during execution, if applicable.
The run execution workflow for the Consume Material process action has been highly enhanced, including:

  • An overview screen for weighing the material that shows the target, range, and actual amount weighed.
  • Enhanced capability to perform multi-consumptions, where there can be multiple source sublots for consumption.
  • With each additional consumption, the operator has the ability to choose whether they want to weigh with scale integration, manually enter the weight value, or bulk scan the sublot and assume the system’s quantity is accurate.
  • Enhanced capability to scrap consumptions.
  • Enhanced capability to return consumptions. A return of a consumption will return the sublot consumed back to material inventory in the Tempo system.

Enhanced Dispense process action

When creating a Dispense process action, the procedure author now has the option to either use the Bill of Materials and input material parameters or specify the material class, subclass, and specific resource for dispensing.
The procedure author may also select whether the system automatically generates a sublot name (or the author provides the target sublot number format, if the name will be operator-generated), and select whether the material dispensed must be allocated to the batch run during execution, if applicable. The procedure author can also determine whether printing a label is required.
The run execution workflow for the Dispense process action has been highly enhanced, including:

  • An overview screen for weighing the material that shows the target, range, and actual amount weighed.
  • Enhanced capability to perform multi-dispensing, where there can be multiple source sublots and dispensed target sublots. This can combine multiple source sublots into a single dispensed target sublot. (Multiple lots cannot be combined.)
  • With each additional dispensing, the operator has the ability to choose whether they want to weigh with scale integration, manually enter the weight value, or bulk scan the sublot and assume the system’s quantity is accurate.
  • Enhanced capability to scrap dispensed target sublots.

Exception creation when physical inventory exceeds system quantity

During weighing-related actions that are part of execution, if an operator enters a quantity of inventory greater than the amount of inventory tracked within Tempo, the system allows the transaction to occur and triggers an exception.

Table Formula process action available for MES package

The functionality of the Table Formula process action has been enhanced to support the standard table type. This enables customers using the MES package without LES to use the advanced calculation capabilities offered by table formulas within their procedures.

Automatic process action execution (auto execution)


Tempo can now automatically execute certain process actions without input from a user during execution.

Auto execution requires the Enforce Step Sequentiality and Enforce Process Action Sequentiality settings to be enabled for the procedure template. Auto execution also cannot be used in a parallel section.

The following process actions now automatically execute if all relevant data is available:

  • Formulas, table formulas, and time formulas with references to parameters, constants, process actions or other formulas. (The operator will be able to manually override the value calculation, if necessary.)
  • Value and measure process actions that pull from parameters or previous step inputs.
  • Dynamic parameters that pull a value from the previous procedure.

Additionally, the following process actions can have automatic execution enabled by checking the Enable Auto Execution checkbox for that process action within the process action editor:

  • Equipment Status
  • Equipment Scan: Auto execution is supported for Resource Query and Resource Parameter scan types. (Resource Query auto execution requires that the author designate a specific resource.)
  • Location: Auto execution is supported when the Condition is set to a specific Unit or for certain Is Relationships
  • Read from Integration

New procedure template step comparison tool

For templates with multiple versions, procedure authors can now view the previous and current version of steps by opening a step and clicking more_horiz More Options > Compare With Previous Version. This option provides side-by-side access to a report of details from both the current and previous versions of the step as well as access to the Rationale field.

New setting to mark process actions as not applicable (N/A)

A new setting, Not Applicable Enabled, displays on the procedure template Template Configuration menu (more_horiz More Options > Template Configuration). This setting is disabled by default; if enabled, operators are able to mark all process actions within a step or the incomplete process actions within a step as N/A during procedure execution. This decision cannot be undone.

If an operator selects Mark Entire Step as N/A, the system updates all process actions in the step to N/A. The operator needs to proceed to the next step to mark this step complete.

If an operator selects Only Mark Incomplete Process Actions as N/A, the system updates all incomplete process actions in the step to N/A. The operator needs to proceed to the next step to mark this step complete.

If the following process actions are in progress, they cannot be marked as N/A:

  • Timer
  • Consume Material
  • Dispense
  • Kitting
  • Material Output
  • Create Label
  • Create Sample
  • Take Sample
  • Table
  • Signature

New read and write custom property process actions

Two new process actions, Read Custom Property and Write Custom Property, are available during procedure authoring and execution. This supports the creation of procedure templates that are equipment-agnostic and still support integration, allowing recipes to be built at an enterprise level.

  • Read Custom Property: This process action displays a custom property value from a previously-scanned equipment resource to the operator during execution. Additionally, if the property is set up for integrations, the integrated value displays. This process action can also support Review and Condition requirements; if conditions are not met, the system triggers an exception.
  • Write Custom Property: This process action writes a custom property value to a previously-scanned equipment resource during execution. Additionally, if the property is set up for integrations, this action will also trigger an integration to write to integration.

Step instructions and dynamic content variables

Procedure authors can now pass dynamic content (that is, parameters and constants) into the Text and Audio Instructions field using the following syntax: ${parameter.variable_Name}
During execution, the instructions display the value of the parameter to the operator.

New tools for verifying procedure templates and understanding procedure template references


Procedure Verification tab for procedure templates

A new tab, Procedure Verification, displays on procedure templates and provides the procedure author with insight regarding potential issues within the procedure template so that they can be addressed during authoring. (This is in addition to a number of existing system tools and requirements that attempt to prevent issues from occurring in the first place.)

The Procedure Verification tab displays a procedure-specific review of any issues related to the following categories:

  • Process action relationships (for example, verifying that if a formula references a process action, the referenced process action exists)
  • Unique variables (for example, if there were an issue related to system variable uniqueness)
  • Step validation (for example, if there were an issue on a data schema level)
  • Parameters - Constants (for example, verifying that if a formula references a constant, the referenced constant exists)
  • Parameters - Resources (for example, verifying that if a formula references a resource, the referenced resource exists)
  • Parameters - Parameters (for example, verifying that if a formula references a parameter, the referenced parameter exists)
  • Linked SOPs (for example, verifying that if a Link SOP process action exists, the referenced procedure template exists)

These examples are not all-encompassing, and are intended to provide general context about the kinds of issues that fall into each category.

By reviewing any information within these issue types, procedure authors are empowered to identify and resolve potential issues in a procedure template. In the event that a user cannot resolve an issue, Apprentice support can provide additional assistance in troubleshooting.

Visual identifiers for potential issues in procedure templates

Visual indicators are now available for the Procedure Verificiations tab and in other areas of a procedure that may have issues that requres resolution. An warning Alert icon displays beside tabs, subtabs, and items with which the system has identified an issue to lead users to faster issue identification and resolution.

Process action & parameter reference tools

Steps within a procedure can reference specific process actions and parameters (dynamic content and resources) from that procedure. This enables Tempo to support complex customer procedures. In order to make editing templates and managing new template versions simpler, procedure authors can now access the steps that reference a specific process action or parameter from the following areas of a procedure template:

  • At the procedure template level, view all resource dependencies within the procedure template by clicking the Resource Dependencies tab.
  • From the relevant step, view references related to a process action by clicking more_horiz More Options > Show References.
  • From the process action editor, view references related to a process action by clicking Show References.
  • From the Parameters tab, view references related to a parameter by locating the relevant parameter within the page sections, then clicking outbound Reference.

Operators can also access references during iOS or web execution by clicking more_horiz More Options > Show References from the process action.

Pre-execution checks

When a procedure or batch run moves out of the Created stage, the system performs a pre-execution check on all input and output materials' related units of measure for the quantities and range setup. The system also checks whether all parameters have a default value.

Batch parameter groups now available as part of environment transfer

Customers now have the ability to transfer Batch Parameter Groups within within settings Platform > Transfers > Create New Environment Transfer. This transfers the version history, stage & users, BOM, equipment, process, samples, information, authors, template configuration and linked objects.

New Batch Schedule menu option

New batch schedules are available via cloud Tempo > Batches > Batch Schedule.
The schedule is presented in the form of a Gantt chart and can be grouped by Campaign or Location (Site). The following time filters are available: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, year to date, and a custom duration.

For modificable batches, the schedule can be updated directly on the Gantt chart using:

  • Drag & Drop to select a bar and move it to another area of the Gantt chart.
  • Stretch - Shrink to select and move the edge of a bar to either reduce or increase the duration of the run.
  • Click to edit, which opens a modal to edit the scheduled start and end dates of the run.

Batch run Resource tab removed

The batch run Resource tab, which previously displayed resource information from the procedure runs within a batch, has been removed. This information remains available on the associated procedure runs' Resource tabs.

Procedure and batch run ID generation

To better support users, Tempo now generates procedure and batch run IDs during the creation of a run; these numbers are based upon the creation date and can be updated by the user at creation if desired.

Procedures & batches - execution


New web execution capabilities

Although the Tempo iOS app remains the primary execution tool for procedure and batch runs, Apprentice has introduced a web execution experience within the Tempo web application for users with access to execute a specific procedure or batch run.

  • For procedure runs that have not been started, users can access web execution from the procedure run lifecycle card by clicking Next Step > Open.
  • For standalone procedure runs and procedure runs within batch runs, users can access web execution via cloud Tempo > Procedures > Runs > Executable Runs. Locate the relevant procedure run, then click Open to open web execution or Preview to preview the run on the web.

Web Execution

The interface for web execution provides quick access to the information and actions needed to complete steps within a procedure run.

  • The top of the page includes menu items for A-Notes, Linked Procedures, Resources, and a Switch to iOS option, as well as the ability to view and invite operators and leave or complete a procedure run, if the run is in progress. The name of the procedure run and batch run information (if applicable) display in the middle of the menu bar.
  • The left side of the page includes the procedure run Flow that includes a list of all sections and steps in the procedure. If a source document was used to author the procedure, a Document view is also available.
  • The right side of the page displays any technique media for the step, if applicable.
  • The bottom of the page includes access to create an A-Note, request remote assistance, and progress to the next step or complete a procedure run, if applicable.

Tempo supports multi-user and multi-device execution, including the ability for a user to access the same procedure on both iOS app and web app concurrently.

Supported process actions and functionality for web execution

The following process actions are available for web execution:

  • Value (Short Form Text, Long Form Text, Number, Two Choice, Parameter, From Step Input)
  • Measure
  • Checkbox
  • Date/Time (Either, Date and Time, Date)
  • Dropdown
  • Table
  • Formula
  • Time Formula
  • Link Procedure
  • Signature and Verification

If a user attempts to execute any process action that web execution does not support, a QR code displays to provide access to open that step on the iOS app. Users can also switch at any point using the Switch to iOS option near the top left of the page.

If relevant to the procedure template or run, the following functionality is also available for web execution:

  • Create A-Notes
  • View All A-Notes
  • View Linked SOPs
  • View Resources and Parameters
  • View Technique Media
  • Pause/Complete Runs
  • View Batch Information (If the procedure is part of a batch)
  • Repeat Step

Create, assign, and start procedure runs on web

Users can now create, assign, and start a procedure run on the web app. New runs can be created using the Create New Procedure Run button on the cloud Tempo > Procedures > Runs page. Users can also start a run from the procedure run lifecycle card by clicking Next Step > Open.

Procedure run web app enhancements


New procedure run Information tab

A new tab, Information, has been added to Procedure runs. It displays the following fields:

  • Procedure Run Name
  • Procedure Title
  • Location ID
  • Planned Start Date
  • Actual Start Date (added automatically when the procedure run starts)
  • Planned End Date
  • Actual End Date (added automatically when the procedure run is completed)
  • Notes

The Location ID can be edited while the procedure run is in the Not Started stage. The Planned Start Date and Planned End Date fields can be edited while the procedure run is in the Not Started or Planned stage.

Procedure run lifecycle updates

  • Once the user creates a Procedure Run it will be in the Created stage.
  • To move to the Planned stage, a user must lock and plan the procedure run.
  • Once the procedure is in the Planned stage, only changes can be made to the Planned Start Date and/or Planned End Date, which requires an electronic signature
  • In the Planned stage, a user can Abort Procedure or Start Execution. (Starting execution will open up this procedure run to execute on the web. Execution can also be done on the iOS app.)
  • Starting Execution on web or mobile will update the stage to In Progress.
  • When a batch run is planned and the procedures runs are created, the procedures; Run IDs are generated automatically in the following format:
    • batch run name-procedure template name_version (if there is no alias for the procedure on the batch run)
    • batch run name-alias (if there is an alias for the procedure on the batch run)

For more information about the procedure run lifecycle, refer to the Procedure Run Lifecycle & Stages Overview article.

Enhancements to parameter overrides for batch runs

Static batch run parameter overrides now include the ability to override the conditions value and conditions type, in addition to the default value. For measure process parameters, unit of measure can be overridden; for equipment parameters, subclass, specific resource, alternate subclass, and alternate specific resource can be overridden.

For dynamic parameter overrides, only default value overrides are supported. For measure process parameters, dynamic override can override just the default value (if overridden with a value) or the default value and unit of measure (if overridden with a measure).

Parameter overrides enabled for procedure runs

In previous versions, only batch runs supported parameter overrides. In v7.0, parameters can now be overridden within standalone procedure runs via the procedure runs Parameters tab (cloud Tempo > Procedures > Runs > Parameters).

The following attributes are modifiable by overriding parameter values on the procedure run:

  • Process Parameters (Text)
    • Default Value
    • Conditions Value
    • Condition Type
  • Process Parameters (Measure)
    • Default Value
    • Unit of Measure
    • Conditions Value
    • Condition Type
  • Process Parameters (Numeric)
    • Default Value
    • Conditions Value
    • Condition Type
  • Process Parameters (Two Choice)
    • Default Value
    • Conditions Value
    • Condition Type
  • Equipment Parameters:
    • Subclass
    • Specific Resource
    • Alternative Subclass
    • Alternative Specific Resource

Bill of Materials overrides

Bill of Materials (BOM) items can be overridden on a procedure run, batch template, batch run and batch parameter group.

The following values on a BOM item are modifiable with a static/dynamic override:

  • Allow material parameter subclass field to be changed
    • for ERP BOM parameters:
      • Resource
      • Target Quantity
      • Lower Bound
      • Upper Bound
      • Decimal Number
      • ERP item number
    • For non-ERP BOM parameters:
      • Subclass (Modifiable)
      • Resource
      • Target Quantity
      • Lower Bound
      • Upper Bound
      • Decimal Number

When calculating the range for a BOM item, the user can select a static, parameter, or formula for the bound type of the Lower Bound and Upper Bound values.

  • For a parameter value, Numeric and Measure parameter types can be selected.
  • For a formula value, the current quantity of the BOM item and Numeric and Measure parameter types can be selected. A tolerance % is also required. This formula is calculated when the procedure run starts.

When the state of a batch run is moved from ERP Created or Created to Planned, the system performs a pre-execution check for the following:

  • For all procedure runs, a check is carried out on all input and output materials’ related units of measure for the quantities and range set ups.
  • A second check is carried out to simulate the formula and check to ensure validity of the ranges. Specifically, that the Lower Bound < Target < Upper Bound. If this check fails, the system displays an error message and blocks the batch run stage progression.

Exception email notifications

During procedure execution, all exceptions with an Default Severity of Low, Moderate, High, or Critical now trigger an email notification to any users or groups assigned to the run. The email notification includes a link to view the exception in the web application as well as the following information:

  • Exception severity
  • Exception type
  • Reason
  • Procedure/batch run name

If a procedure run is part of a batch run, the email is sent to anyone assigned to the specific procedure or the batch run as a whole.

Exception comments and comment email notifications

Users can now add text comments and attachments to exceptions from the Tempo web app. When a user adds a comment, an email notification is sent to all users assigned to the procedure.

Exception comments can be added or viewed in the following areas of the Tempo web app:

  • Exceptions > Review Exceptions
  • The procedure run Exceptions tab
  • The procedure run Steps tab (by clicking the error Unapproved Exceptions icon to the left of a prompt with an unapproved exception)
  • The batch run Exceptions tab (if applicable)

New setting for exception approval comment requirement

A new setting, Require at Least 1 Comment to Approve Exception, displays on the Settings Exceptions tab (settings Platform > Settings). This setting is disabled by default; if enabled, a user must add at least one comment to the exception before the exception can be approved.

Remote execution assistance via Tandem

Operators can now use a new remote assistance feature to initiate a Tandem call during procedure execution. Whether the operator is executing on the iOS app or via web execution, each step includes convenient access to request assistance:

  • iOS app: Tap the + Options icon > Remote Assistance.
  • Web execution: Click Remote Assistance.
    A list of users assigned to this Procedure Run, as well as users with quality and supervisor roles, displays for potential invitation to a Tandem call.

The Tandem call will include all standard Tandem functionality. The user providing assistance will also have access to a Remote Assistance slide-out panel with information about the procedure run and an Open Procedure button that will allow them to open the procedure to provide a signature.

An organization must have Tandem enabled to use the remote assistance feature.


If a customer does not have Tandem enabled in their system or if the Tandem app is not installed on the specific device that the operator is using, tapping the Remote Assistance option displays a message indicating this prerequisite.

After selecting the Remote Assistance option, the system prompts the operator to invite one person to a Tandem session.

New Next Step feature for parallel execution

If parallel execution is enabled on a section in the procedure and step navigation conditions do not specify the next process action, a new Next Step feature allows the operator to select the next step.

Rename execution Start and Resume buttons to Open button

To streamline terminology, an Open button now enables operators to start or resume procedure execution from the Tempo iOS app or web execution experience within the Tempo web app. This button replaces the Start and Resume buttons that displayed in previous versions on the iOS app.

Search for iOS Invite Users modal

Previously, an iOS app user who wanted to invite additional users to execute a procedure had to scroll to locate the relevant users. Now, the Invite Users modal also supports user search.

RealWear headset execution support temporarily removed

Support for headset execution has been temporarily removed as we work on implementing the next version of RealWear.


New Distributed Control System (DCS) batch integration

The new Distributed Control System (DCS) batch integration enables the ability to create Batch Runs in Tempo from an external DCS by leveraging the heartbeat of the existing OPC UA No-Code Integration.

  • Provides the user with the ability to map parameters to tags in the OPC UA Integration, which need to all be of data type, String:
    • Inbound to Tempo:
      • External Batch Run ID
      • External Batch Template Name
      • Tempo Batch Run ID
      • Tempo Batch Template Name
      • Action Parameter
    • Outbound to external DCS
      • Handshake Parameter
      • Heartbeat Parameter

Use Case

At certain parts of an automation batch run by a DCS, such as DeltaV, MES Batches in Tempo need to be started to assist with the workflow. This feature provides the ability to send the workflow over to MES and associate the DCS batch run to it.

Custom Event Sending Capability

Custom Event Sending provides the ability to send a custom event to a configured event queue as a procedure process action.

When configuring a new event (Event Configuration > Create New Event Configuration), you can now select Custom Event for both Event Type and Event Trigger fields.

During procedure authoring, there is a new process action type under Integrations called Event Trigger which allows the user to provide a prompt and select the pre-configured custom event.

During execution, the user will tap the event trigger and be prompted to trigger the event. Once triggered, the user will be prompted to enter their PIN. Upon saving, the event will be triggered to the external system. The value saved to Tempo is the timestamp of the triggered event.

Use Case

Customers wanting to send a custom message with batch or procedure context or wanting to connect and share Tempo data to a third party middleware for consumption.

Veeva No-Code Integration OAuth 2.0 Authentication Support

The Veeva OAuth 2.0 Authentication Support provides the option to configure Veeva No-Code Integration with OAuth 2.0 Authentication.

  • This leverages the Veeva API for OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect Authentication endpoint API Reference
  • There is a new Authentication Type dropdown on the Integration Options tab when creating a Veeva Integration. Allowing users to select between Basic (username and password) and OAuth.

Use Case

This new Authentication Type supports customers who have OAuth 2.0 profiles configured in their Veeva environment and want to set up the Veeva Integration with OAuth information.

Aveva/OSIsoft No-Code Integration Event Frame Enrichment

The Aveva/OSIsoft No-Code Integration now provides enriched data support for additional process action data capture the PI Event Frames. Previously only Input Process Actions were supported.

Newly-supported process actions include:

  • Inputs; Photo
  • Resources; Resource scanning, Create Sample, Update Equipment Status, Output Material, Create Label, Take Sample, Dispense and Consume, Standard Formula, Date/Time Capture, Time Formula
  • Formulas; Standard Formula,
  • Integrations; Event Trigger
  • Other; Location scan, Timer, Link SOP

Generic QMS Integration and Universal Exception API

The ability to send exception details via our Events service has been added which allows sending exception details to a configured event queue endpoint. Additionally, two new public API endpoints have been created: one to allow creation of an exception in Tempo and one to allow approval of exceptions in Tempo.

Use Case

This new integration type is for customers who want to send Tempo Exceptions to their QMS and their QMS is not Veeva. Also used to associate non-execution related deviations from their QMS as Tempo exceptions in a Tempo Procedure Run or Batch Run.

Batch Run ERP API Updates

The information sent from an ERP system to the Tempo MES has been enhanced. Now when a batch run is sent to the MES it can include bill of material information as well as custom fields to the batch parameters. The format has also been updated to B2MML to align with industry standards.

Use Case

When batch runs are created from ERP Production orders, the Bill of materials (BoM) array from the process order can be sent over to Tempo MES, so that the BoM is aligned between the two systems.This integration improves manufacturing efficiency, reduces errors, and enhances production planning and control.

Equipment ERP API Updates

The Equipment ERP API updates include the ability to send equipment status, calibration status, and custom properties from ERP to Tempo MES. The format has also been updated to B2MML to align with industry standards.

Use Case

When equipment and calibration statuses change in the ERP, Operators need to be informed of the status updates to know whether the equipment is ready to be used or if maintenance is required. These updates provide the ability to send this information from the ERP to Tempo. It enhances production efficiency, scheduling accuracy, and equipment utilization, leading to improved manufacturing performance.

ERP Integration Enhancements for Material Lot API

The ERP Integration Enhancements for Material Lot API updates include the ability to send custom properties for material lots from the ERP to Tempo MES. The format has also been updated to B2MML to align with industry standards.

Use Case

This integration enables real-time monitoring, synchronization with production orders, performance analysis, and maintenance management. It enhances production efficiency, scheduling accuracy, and equipment utilization, leading to improved manufacturing performance.

Material ERP API updates

The Material ERP API updates include the ability to send custom properties for material as well as base and alternative units of measure from the ERP to Tempo MES. The format has also been updated to B2MML to align with industry standards.

Use Case

The Tempo system needs to be able to receive additional parameters such as alternative units of measure and custom properties from the ERP so both systems stay in sync. This enables real-time monitoring, material reservations, and accurate inventory management. The integration enhances material accuracy, reduces errors, and improves production efficiency.

ERP Integration - SAP (BTP) Business Technology Platform Starter Kit

The SAP BTP Integration flow starter kit, allows customers to use the starter kit to expedite their integrations to TEMPO. The starter kit simplifies the integration process in the middleware by having an initial setup of schemas and data transformations. Customers can use this starter kit and add source and target system information to kickstart their integrations.

The Integration team will work with the customers to rollout the starter kit and provide them with helpful integration hints to simplify the integrations from SAP to TEMPO.

Use Case

To be used by customers wanting to send data from Tempo to SAP. Using the SAP BTP Starter kit, customers can reduce their integration times from months to weeks.

Integrations - MQTT Support

This integration provides customers with the ability to configure MQTT as an event queue endpoint in Tempo as an additional endpoint to output Tempo events to.

When in Events → Event Queue Endpoints, the user can now select MQTT as an event queue type and make use of our current event configurations for sending messages.

  • The external MQTT broker will need to subscribe to specific topics depending on the event type and event trigger. This is of the format {event_type/event_trigger} where everything is lower case and spaces are replaced with underscores. For example, the MQTT for an Event Type of Batch and Event Trigger of Batch Run Status would have an MQTT topic of batch/batch_run_status.
  • The Queue URL has to be of format:

Use Case

This integration allows Customers to send Tempo Events to an external MQTT broker to trigger external workflows based on events in Tempo

Export and Import Integration Configuration


Enhancements added to exporting and importing integration configurations.

  • Integration Query and Write to Integration are now feature flagged. These process actions are meant for development, and using integrations with read and write properties is the preferred method in this release.
  • Added support for migrating effective batch/procedure templates that have integrations configured in the Template Configuration settings. Now when trying to import effective batch/procedure templates, if an integration of the same name does not exist in the target system, an error message will be generated listing the missing integration. Users should create an integration of the same name so that it can migrate over properly. Previous behavior would blank these settings out on import. This support extends to templates configured with integration query and write to integration process actions.

Use Case

These configurations support customers who want to migrate effective batch/procedure templates between systems and use integrations of the same name.

PI No-Code Integration Event Frame UOM Support

The PI No-Code Integration Event Frame UOM Support allows the ability to send defined Tempo Process Data UOM to event frame attributes.

There is a new slider on the Integration Options tab to set whether the Tempo UOM should be sent when generating PI Event Frames. This affects any Tempo Procedure or Batch Template that has the setting to generate Event Frames to that specific PI Integration. When disabled, no Tempo UOM will be sent and all PI Event Frame attributes will be created as data type String.

When enabled, the configured Unit of Measure on a Process Action (inputs of type Measure, and for Integration Query and Write to Integration) will send the defined Unit of Measure along. When disabled, no UOM is sent with the create Event Frame attributes calls.

No-Code Integration Web Port Address Configuration Updates for OPC UA, OSIsoft PI, and Ignition

Updates have been made to the web address configuration for OPC UA, PI, and Ignition No Code Integrations.

The port field has been removed from the front end when configuring OPC UA, PI, and Ignition integrations to simplify configuration and allow for setting the port in the full web address.

Equipment Integration Custom Properties


Enhancements added to the Equipment Instance Integration tab that allows for mapping custom properties to integration tags:

  • At the equipment class level, “Enable integration configuration” and “This equipment class is a scale” have been split out into two separate toggles. The No-Code integrations available will be dependent on the configuration of these two toggles.
  • On the integration tab tags can be selected from integrated systems and mapped to custom properties. The system will check to confirm the data type matches.

Use Case

User wants to configure equipment instances with aliased integration tags. Example would be, there are 5 bioreactors that can be used, all from the same class, but they all have unique tags for temperature. Each bioreactor equipment instance can be configured to have the same custom property reference a different tag, so during execution a user can scan the bioreactor being used and pull the temperature value into the batch record. This expands the functionality of the original integration query which required hardcoding the tag to the procedure template.

Public API 7.0

New and enhanced Public API merged with ERP API. The Public API will be used to integrate with external facing systems such as ERPs, LIMS, CMMS, and other custom Applications.

As a part of the API merge:

  • All APIs moved to GraphQL.
  • All APIs aligned to B2MML standards.
  • APIs to be released in 7.0
    • Batch Template Get
    • Batch Run Get/Create/Update
    • Procedure Templates Get
    • Procedure Run Get/Create
    • Equipment Get/Create/Update
    • Material Definitions Get/Create/Update
    • Material Lots Get/Create/Update
    • Material Sublots Get/Create/Update
    • Kits Get/Create/Update
    • Samples Get/Create/Update
    • Exceptions Get/Create/Update
    • Locations Get
    • Users Get

General Bug Fixes and Enhancements


  • Improved integration connection status and heartbeat
  • Integration health status cards now have the timestamp listed for the last heartbeat check.
  • Users are not only able to set unit of measure on integration query and write to integration when the data type is Numeric.
  • Fixed minor issue where PI tags of point class “base” were not being returned in the browse tags query.
  • Fixed issue where changing event configuration would save but not take effect
  • Fixed issue on front end where event logs status filter showed duplicate “Success”
  • Users are not only able to set unit of measure on integration query and write to integration when the data type is Numeric.
  • Integration health status cards now have the timestamp listed for the last heartbeat check.
  • iOS will now show “true/false” selections for write to integrations for tags of data type Boolean.
  • Fixed issue where Event Log export did not work as expected.
  • Fixed scroll issue on Event Queue Endpoint and Event Config pages.
  • Enhanced Custom App API Key and API Secret copy to better indicate what is being copied.
  • Renamed “Integration Query” to “Read from Integration” and updated the icon.
  • Increased the display time for the error message that displays when an integration is called but is down.

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