Understanding Action Types & Options
  • 06 Oct 2023
  • 19 読む分

Understanding Action Types & Options

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  👤 Content Creator, System Admin, and procedure template co-author users


Procedure authors can associate one or more Actions with each augmented step. (For an overview of augmented steps, review the Augmented Steps Overview article.)

This article provides detail regarding the eight types of inputs that a procedure author can add to a procedure template. Click the name of any input type to jump to that section of the article.

  • Photo: Prompts the operator to take a photo.
  • Formula: Prompts the operator to complete a formula.
  • Load Plate (LES only): Prompts the operator to load an array.
  • Time Formula: Prompts the operator to complete a time formula.
  • Table Formula (LES only): Prompts the operator to complete a table formula.
  • Link Procedure: Prompts the operator to review or complete a linked procedure.
  • Material Output (MES & LES only): Prompts the operator to output a material.
  • Consume Material (MES & LES only): Prompts the operator to consume a material.
  • Dispense (MES & LES only): Prompts the operator to dispense a material.
  • Timer: Prompts the operator to use a timer.
  • Equipment Status (MES & LES only): Prompts the operator to update an equipment status.
  • Create Label (MES & LES only): Prompts the operator to create a label.
  • Sampling (MES & LES only): Prompts the operator to either create a sample or take a sample out of material inventory.

Prior to completing the steps in any of the sections below, create or open the relevant draft procedure template in the Tempo web app. (To learn more about locating procedure templates in the Tempo web app, review the Procedure Templates Overview article.)

  • To edit a procedure template, it must be in the Draft stage.
  • Only the user who created a procedure template and any users assigned as a procedure co-author can edit a procedure template.


During procedure execution, a photo action prompts an operator to take a photo using their device.

Photo action field explanations

  • Prompt: Use this field to explain the purpose of the photo to the operator.

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During procedure execution, a formula action prompts an operator to make a calculation using a formula provided as part of the procedure.

⯈ Click here to view an example GIF of an operator completing a formula on the Tempo iOS app. ⯇


Any inputs or actions that a formula should reference must be added to the procedure prior to adding a Formula to a procedure. (Parameters and constants may be added directly from the formula builder, if necessary.)

Formula action field explanations

  • Prompt: Use this field to explain the purpose of the formula to the operator.
    • Formula Variable Name: Each formula action must have a unique identifier; this is the internal system ID for this specific action. The system automatically attempts to create an identifier in the correct format when a procedure author completes the Prompt field.
  • Formula: Create the formula using a variable builder. For additional information, refer to the table below.
Formula categoryOptions
⋅ *
Decadic Logarithm
Standard Deviation
InputSelect an input from the procedure template.
ParameterSelect a previously-created parameter from this procedure template or create a new parameter by selecting Add a Parameter and completing all necessary information.
For more information about parameters, review the Adding Dynamic Content: Parameters & Constants article.
ConstantSelect a previously-created constant from this procedure template or create a new constant by selecting Add a Constant and completing all necessary information.
For more information about constants, review the Adding Dynamic Content: Parameters & Constants article.
ActionSelect an input from the procedure template.
ConditionalTernary Operation (Uses ? and : characters to separate pieces of a formula into an If ? Then : Else format.)
EXAMPLE: {input.samplecount} > 2 **?** {input.weight} * 2 **:** {input.weight} + 2
  • Configure Formula Unit of Measure: Select the unit of measure for the formula.
  • Configure Scientific Format: Check this checkbox to require the measure value to be in scientific format; otherwise, leave the checkbox unchecked.
  • Rounded Decimal Places: Select the number of decimal places at which the formula should round.
  • Configure Substitution Values: Define Substitution Values so the calculation can still be completed in case inputs are skipped.
  • Simulate: If specific values are available, allows the procedure author to simulate the result.
  • Custom Attribute: This field is only applicable to use of a LIMS integration with LES to link the result property for samples.
  • Condition: If the formula result must meet a certain acceptance condition, select one of the six conditions from the dropdown list (Value(s), Range, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal, Less Than, Less Than or Equal), then define the acceptable conditions for this formula using the related field(s) that display; otherwise, select None.
    For more information, review the Formula condition note below.
  • Review: If the formula result must be reviewed as a Critical Process Parameter (CPP), Critical Quality Attribute (CQA), or other reviewable value, select the relevant Trigger Value Exception option from the dropdown; otherwise, select No review required.

Formula condition note

Formula actions offer six potential acceptance conditions for information entered by an operator (Value(s), Range, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal, Less Than, Less Than or Equal):

  • Accepted Value(s): If the procedure author selects Value(s), the procedure author may set the accepted value(s). The value or values in this field are accepted.
  • Range: If the procedure author selects Range, the procedure author may set the Lower Bound and Upper Bound of the acceptable range. Any value inside this range or equal to the lower bound or upper bound is accepted.
  • Greater Than: If the procedure author selects Greater Than, the procedure author may set the highest value that is not an acceptable value. Any value greater than this number is accepted.
  • Greater Than or Equal To: If the procedure author selects Greater Than or Equal To, the procedure author may set the lowest acceptable value. Any value greater than or equal to this number is accepted.
  • Less Than: If the procedure author selects Less Than, the procedure author may set the lowest value that is not an acceptable value. Any value less than this number is accepted.
  • Less Than or Equal To: If the procedure author selects Less Than or Equal To, the procedure author may set the highest acceptable value. Any value less than or equal to this number is accepted.

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Load Plate

During procedure execution, a load plate action prompts an operator to load a specific array.


The array resource that the load plate action should reference must be added to the procedure prior to adding a load plate action to a procedure.

Load plate action field explanations

  • Prompt: Use this field to explain the purpose of the load plate action to the operator.
  • Parameter: Select a previously-created array parameter from this procedure template.
    For more information about parameters, review the Adding Dynamic Content: Parameters & Constants article.

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Time Formula

Procedure authoring in Tempo includes two types of time formulas. During procedure execution, a time formula prompts an operator to make a calculation based on date or date and time information.

  • Difference: The formula calculates the difference between two dates or two times.
  • Addition: The formula adds to a date or date and time input.
⯈ Click here to view an example GIF of an operator completing date/time capture inputs and a difference time formula on the Tempo iOS app. ⯇


Date/Time Capture input(s) must be added to the procedure to record any reference times (e.g., start time, end time) prior to adding a Time Formula to a procedure.

Time formula action field explanations

  • Prompt: Use this field to explain the purpose of the time formula action to the operator.
  • Date/Time Capture Type: Select whether the date/time capture type is Date or Date and Time. This selection displays and determines the options listed in the Formula Type field; it also determines which time/date capture inputs are available for reference (that is, date-only captures do not display if the procedure author selects Date and Time).
  • Formula Type: Select whether the formula will calculate the difference between two inputs (Date Difference, Date and Time Difference) or calculate an addition to an input (Addition to Date, Addition to Date and Time); this selection determines any additional fields that may display. For additional information, refer to the table below.
Formula typeFields
DifferenceReference Start Time / Reference Start Date: Select the Name/Prompt value for the input reflecting the start time.
Reference End Time / Reference End Date: Select the Name/Prompt value for the input reflecting the end time.
Condition: If the formula result must meet a certain acceptance condition, select one of the three conditions from the dropdown list (Range, Longer Than, Shorter Than), then define the acceptable conditions for this formula using the related field(s) that display; otherwise, select None.
AdditionDate/Time Reference / Date Reference: Select the Name/Prompt value for the input reflecting the reference date/time or date.
Time to Add: Provide the amount of time to add to the reference input.
Condition: If the formula result must meet a certain acceptance condition, select one of the three conditions from the dropdown list (Between, On or After, On or Before), then define the acceptable conditions for this formula using the related field(s) that display; otherwise, select None.

Time formula condition note

Difference conditions

Difference type time formula actions offer three potential acceptance conditions for information entered by an operator (Range, Longer Than, Shorter Than):

  • Range: If the procedure author selects Range, the procedure author may set the Minimum Duration and Maximum Duration of the acceptable range. Any value inside this range or equal to the minimum or maximum duration is accepted.
  • Longer Than: If the procedure author selects Longer Than, the procedure author may set the highest value that is not an acceptable value. Any value greater than this duration is accepted.
  • Shorter Than: If the procedure author selects Shorter Than, the procedure author may set the lowest value that is not an acceptable value. Any value less than this duration is accepted.

Addition conditions

Addition type time formula actions offer three potential acceptance conditions for information entered by an operator (Between, Before, After):

  • Between: If the procedure author selects Between, the procedure author may select the Name/Prompt of the After and Before inputs that the result must be between to be acceptable.
  • On or After: If the procedure author selects On or After, the procedure author may select the Name/Prompt of the date/time input that the result must be after to be acceptable.
  • On or Before: If the procedure author selects On or Before, the procedure author may select the Name/Prompt of the date/time input that the result must be before to be acceptable.

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Table Formula

During procedure execution, the table formula action prompts an operator to make calculations related to a sample table or sample plate table.


A sample resource and a sample table or sample plate table input must be added to the procedure prior to adding a Table Formula action.

Table formula action field explanations

  • Prompt: Use this field to explain the purpose of the table formula action to the operator.
  • Source Table: Select the previously-added sample table or sample plate table input.
  • Group By: If the formula result should be grouped, select a grouping option; otherwise, select None.

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During procedure execution, the link procedure action prompts an operator to review or complete a related, ancillary standard operating procedure (SOP). Review the Adding a Linked SOP to a Procedure Template article for more information about the benefits and limitations of this feature.

⯈ Click here to view an example GIF of an operator completing a link procedure action on the Tempo iOS app. ⯇

  • Verify that the SOP that will be linked from the draft procedure template is in the effective stage.
  • Add the linked SOP to the procedure template draft Links tab following the steps in the Adding a Linked SOP to a Procedure Template article.

Link procedure action field explanations

  • Prompt: Use this field to explain the purpose of the link procedure action to the operator.
  • Procedure: Search for or select an effective procedure to link.

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Material Output

During procedure execution, the material output action tracks when the operator's action will create an intermediate or material output.

⯈ Click here to view an example GIF of an operator completing a material output action on the Tempo iOS app. ⯇


The class, subclass, and material information for this type of material must be stored within the system in order to use the Material Output action.

Material output action field explanations

  • Prompt: Use this field to explain the purpose of the material output action to the operator.
  • Material Type: Select one of the two material types from the dropdown list (Intermediates, Output); this selection determines the business logic used for creating the lot and whether the author must provide Lot Number formatting information in an additional field.
    • Intermediates: Requires the entry of a Lot Number Format to remind operators of the required lot number format.
    • Output: Select one of the two product types from the dropdown list (Primary, Bi-product).
      • Primary: The lot number will automatically populate from the batch run.
      • Bi-product: Requires the entry of a Lot Number Format to remind operators of the required lot number format.

  • Material Class: Select the class for the new material.
    • Material Subclass: Select the subclass for the new material.
      • Material: Specify the material that you will be adding to inventory. The Unit of Measure field on the material definition determines the unit of measure referenced by the Quantity Type field.

  • Quantity Type: Select one of the three quantity types from the dropdown list (Constant Value, Manual Entry by Operator, Referred from Another Step); this selection determines which additional fields display. For additional information, refer to the table below.
Quantity typeFields
Constant ValueValue: Set the constant value for the quantity.
Manual Entry by OperatorMax # of Integer Places: Determines the maximum number of digits acceptable before a decimal.
# of Decimal Places: Determines the number of digits required after a decimal.
Referred from Another StepWhich Step?: Set which step input to reference for the quantity.
  • Start Expiration Date When Input or Action is Completed: Select which input or action determines the shelf life of the material output.
  • Required to Print a Label?: If the operator must print a label, then select Yes; otherwise, select No.

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Consume Material

During procedure execution, the consume material action tracks when the operator's action will deduct material from inventory.

⯈ Click here to view an example GIF of an operator completing a consume material action on the Tempo iOS app. ⯇


A material input must be added to the procedure prior to adding a Consume Material action.

Consume material action field explanations

  • Prompt: Use this field to explain the purpose of the consume material action to the operator.
  • Consume the Material from Step Input: Select a previously-authored material resource input to specify what material will deducted from inventory.
  • Quantity Type: Automatically set to Manual by Operator.
  • Unit of Measure: Select the applicable unit of measure for the material that will be consumed and deducted from inventory.
  • Max # of Integer Places: Determines the maximum number of digits acceptable before a decimal.
  • # of Decimal Places: Determines the number of digits required after a decimal.
  • Require the Sublot to Be Allocated to the Batch: Determine whether the referenced scanned-in sublot must be allocated to the batch run containing this procedure in order to consume the material.

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During procedure execution, the dispense action tracks the dispensing of material.

Dispense action field explanations

  • Prompt: Use this field to explain the purpose of the dispense action to the operator.
  • Pull Source Material From: Select from a previously authored material resource input to specify what material will be the source from which to create a sublot.
  • Target Container Type: Automatically set to Unmanaged.
  • Target Sublot Number Format: Remind operators of the required lot number format.
  • Dispensing Mode: Select either Manual or Weighing. If either option is selected, Target Quantity Type, Target Value, Unit of Measure, Lower Bound, Upper Bound fields display. If the procedure author selects Weighing, Weighing Mode and Pull Equipment From fields display as well.
    • Target Quantity Type: Select Manual Set By Author.
      • Target Value: Set the constant value for the quantity.
      • Unit of Measure: Select the unit of measure that the operator should use to measure the quantity.
      • Lower Bound: Choose Static, Parameter, or Formula, then select the appropriate value for the additional field that displays.
      • Upper Bound: Choose Static, Parameter, or Formula, then select the appropriate value for the additional field that displays.
    • Weighing Mode: Automatically set to Positive.
    • Pull Equipment From: Select a previously-authored equipment resource input to specify what equipment the sublot will be placed in.
  • Automatically Allocate Dispensed Sublot to Batch Run?: Determines whether the material that is dispensed during this action will be allocated to the batch run for this procedure.
  • Required to Print a Label?: Set whether the operator must print a label for the new lot or not.

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Procedure authoring in Tempo includes two types of timers. During procedure execution, the timer action provides the operator with access to a countdown or stopwatch timer.

Timer action field explanations

  • Prompt: Use this field to explain the purpose of the timer to the operator.
  • Name: Provide a name for the timer.
  • Description (OPTIONAL): Provide a description for the timer action.
  • Timer Type: Select one of the two timer types from the dropdown list (Stopwatch, Countdown); this selection determines whether any additional fields display. For additional information, refer to the table below.
Timer typeFields
(counts in centiseconds)
(counts in seconds)
Duration (Seconds): Set the number of seconds the countdown duration should be.
Warn At When Time Remaining Is (Sec) (OPTIONAL): Set a time remaining warning based on the number of seconds remaining in the countdown.

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Equipment Status

During procedure execution, an equipment status action updates an equipment status.


The specific equipment that will require a status change must be managed within the Tempo Manufacturing Cloud and must be added to the procedure as a Resource input prior to adding the Equipment Status action to a procedure. (The relevant status and stage must also be associated with the relevant equipment class or subclass prior to adding this action.)

Equipment status action field explanations

  • Prompt: Use this field to explain the purpose of the equipment status action to the operator.
  • Use Resource from Step Input: Select from a previously-authored equipment resource input to specify what equipment will have its Status altered.
  • Select Status to Update: This dropdown contains a list of statuses associated with the equipment. If no results are found, there are no Statuses associated with the equipment selected. From the dropdown, select the status to be update.
  • Select Stage to Update Status to: From the Stages associated with the previously-selected Status, select the one you would like the equipment updated to. If no results are found, no Stages have been authored for the previously selected Status yet.

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Create Label

During procedure execution, a create label action prompts an operator to create a label.


The create label action currently requires that the operator's iPad be set up to support printing using a Labelworks PX LW-PX400 bluetooth printer.
Any attributes that a label should reference may need to be added to the procedure prior to adding the Create Label action to a procedure. (Parameters and constants may be added directly from the label builder, if necessary.)

Create label action field explanations

  • Prompt: Use this field to explain the purpose of the create label action to the operator.
  • Resource Type: Select Dynamic.
    • Dynamic Resources: Select Input or Action.
      • Input or Action: Select the relevant input or action from the dropdown list.
  • Label Row 1 and Label Row 2: Create the first and second row of the label. Each field includes a variable builder to set the information and format for the label row. For additional information, refer to the table below.
Label categoryOptions
SeparatorsSpace [ ]
Procedure AttributesName
Step AttributesStep Name
Step Number
OperatorOperator Initials
InputsAdd a reference to an input from the procedure template.
ParametersSelect a previously-created parameter from this procedure template or create a new parameter by selecting Add a Parameter and completing all necessary information.
For more information about parameters, review the Adding Dynamic Content: Parameters & Constants article.
ConstantsSelect a previously-created constant from this procedure template or create a new constant by selecting Add a Constant and completing all necessary information.
For more information about constants, review the Adding Dynamic Content: Parameters & Constants article.

The Preview section at the bottom of the add create label page provides a preview of the label based on the selected information for Label Row 1 and Label Row 2.

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Procedure authoring in Tempo includes two types of sampling actions. During procedure execution, a sampling action prompts an operator to create or take a sample.

  • Create Sample: Prompts the operator to create a new sample with no impact on system inventory.
  • Take Sample: Prompts the operator to consume material in order to take a sample from an existing material sublot.

To add a sampling action, the procedure author selects either Sampling > Create Sample or Sampling > Take Sample from the Add New Action menu; this selection determines any additional fields that may display. For additional information, refer to the table below.

Sampling action field explanations

Sampling actionFields
Create SamplePrompt: Use this field to explain the purpose of the sampling action to the operator.
Sample Class: Select the sample class for the sample.
Sample Subclass: Select the sample subclass for the sample.
Required to Print a Label: If the operator must print a label, then select Yes; otherwise, select No.
Take SamplePrompt: Use this field to explain the purpose of the sampling action to the operator.
Sample Class: Select the sample class for the sample.
Sample Subclass: Select the sample subclass for the sample.
Consume the Material from Step Input: Select the name of the relevant previous step input for the material to consume when the sample is taken.
Quantity Type: Select Manual Entry by Operator from the dropdown list.
Unit of Measure: Select the unit of measure the sample will use.
Max # of Integer Places: Set the maximum number of digits acceptable before the decimal.
# of Decimal Places: Set the number of digits required after the decimal.
Required to Print a Label: If the operator must print a label, then select Yes; otherwise, select No.

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