User Change Logs Overview
  • 03 Jan 2024
  • 2 読む分

User Change Logs Overview

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User Change Logs list

Who can use this feature?
  🌐 ✔️ MES (v6.5.X) ✔️ AWI (v6.5.X) ✔️ LES (v6.5.X)
  💻 Web app
  👤 System Admin users

VERSION NOTE: This article provides an overview of User Change Logs in Tempo v6.5.X. For information about Logs in Tempo v7.0.X, review the [Logs Overview](/v1/docs/logs-overview) article.

User Change Logs track all changes made specifically to a user's account in the Tempo web application. For example, any time a user changes their password, the log will reflect when that occurred in the User Change list. Recorded items in the User Change Logs include:

  • Logging in/out
  • Failed login attempts
  • PIN changes
  • Email and password changes
  • Role changes
  • System language changes
  • Enabling/disabiling user permissions
  • Credential verification
  • Account lock status
  • New account creations

As the User Change Logs provide historical data, the purpose of the logs is to equip an organization's administrators with in-depth user analyses that are useful for audits and other business analytics.

To access the User Change Logs, click Platform Logs on the navigation panel to the left then click User Change Logs.

User Change Logs List.png

1ColumnsAdd or remove a column from the list.
2Reset FiltersReset the filters on the list.
3More Options menuExport the current view or print the User Change Logs list.
4UserName of user whose account was changed or updated.
5EmailEmail address of user whose account was changed or updated.
6ChangeType of user account change completed in the system.
7Changed ByName of user who initiated the account change. This can differ from the name in the User column.
8Old ValueThe status of the previous value that was changed on the user account.
9New ValueThe updated status of the value that was changed on the user account.
10IPIP address associated with the user's device the change was made on.
11CreatedDate and time the change was initially created.
12Column Options menuPin, autosize, or reset the column of your choice.
13UpdatedDate and time the change was updated.
14FilterFilter for specific results.

User Change Logs details

To review user details and other data of a specific log, click on an item of your choice from the User Change Logs list. The User Change Log Detail menu will expand from the right side of the screen.

User Change Log detail menu.png

1Close menuExit out of the Details menu.
2User DetailDisplays the name, email, role, domain, and change of the user.
3Change DetailDisplays all details of the change made. This will differ depending on the log item you select.

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.