Reviewing a batch run (v6.5.X)
  • 07 Feb 2024
  • 3 読む分

Reviewing a batch run (v6.5.X)

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  🌐 ✔️ MES (v6.5.X)
  💻 Web app
  👤 Content Creator, System Admin, and batch run assigned users

Batch Runs can be reviewed in all supported versions of Tempo MES. This article provides an overview of reviewing batch runs in Tempo v6.5.X, as well as links to related articles. For information about reviewing a batch run in Tempo v7.X.X, review the Reviewing a batch run (v7.X.X) article.


Access to batch runs is limited based upon a user's role and whether they have been assigned to a specific batch run as a User.

Once a batch run has been started, an Operator can view a summary of the batch run, including any Exceptions, Process Parameters, A-Notes, Documents, and History associated with it.

Below is a breakdown of the information and tabs included on a Batch Run and the data you will find on each.

Created Batch Run.png

1. Batch Run ID

The Batch Run ID entered during the batch run creation worlflow.

2. Tabs

Each tab located at the top of a Batch Run provides the Operator access to a different layer of data that Tempo has collected about the run. Click a tab to view its contents. Below is breakdown of the data you'll find on each tab.

1SummaryThe default tab displayed on a Batch Run, it contains information about the Progress, Duration, Notifications, Users, Details, and Material Outputs of the run.
2OperationsDisplays all of the unit operations and procedures included in the batch run. Once the tab has been selected, click the vertical ellipsis next to any procedure name and select Procedure Run to view the run in a separate browser tab.
3ExceptionsDisplays the number of exceptions triggered while executing the procedures included in the batch run. This tab will be blank until a batch run is started and an exception is triggered.
4Process ParametersDisplays a list of any parameters added to the Procedure Template(s) included in this run.
5BOM/BOEDisplays a breakdown of the Material and Equipment added to the Procedure Template(s) included in this run.
6A-NotesDisplays the type and details (Technique Media, Process Note, Non-Conformance or Observation) of any A-Note(s) created before or during execution.
7AssignDisplays a list of end users belonging to your organization. Click the check box adjacent to a user's name to assign them the ability to execute this batch run or Assign to all users.
8DocumentsDisplays a list and links to any documents attached to the batch run. Once the tab has been selected, click Add Document to attach a document to the run.
9HistoryA detailed breakdown of any changes that have occured to the batch run.
10Batch Run InformationDisplays a variety of batch run information. Also contains the Allow Batch Run Modification check box (deselected by default) which when selected (activated), allows a user to mark a unit operation or procedure as N/A, modify parameter values on Not Started procedures, and insert new procedures.

3. Summary

Below is breakdown of the data you'll find on this tab.

1ProgressThe number of unit operations executed and the percentage of operations completed.
2DurationThe amount of time spent executing the batch.
3Needs AttentionThe number of Exceptions triggered and the number of A-Notes created by the Operator during the batch execution.
4UsersThe first and last names of the Contributors who executed the batch.
5DetailsThe Batch run ID, Batch template ID and Batch template version, plus the Campaign, Product name, and Lot number (if added).
6Material OutputsAny material outputs defined for the procedure(s) included in the batch.

4. Approval Status

Displays the approval status of the batch run. Click to update the approval status. For more information on batch run approval stages, refer to the Creating a batch run article.

5. Batch Run Report

Click to print, or export to PDF, the data from one or more tabs of the Batch Run.

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