Reviewing a Procedure Run (v6.5.X)
  • 08 Nov 2023
  • 4 読む分

Reviewing a Procedure Run (v6.5.X)

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Who can use this feature?
  🌐 ✔️ MES ( v6.5.X) ✔️ LES (v6.5.X) ✔️ AWI (v6.5.X)
  💻 Web app
  👤 Content Creator, System Admin, and procedure run assigned users

Procedure runs can be created in all supported versions of Tempo MES, LES, and AWI. This article provides information about reviewing procedure runs in Tempo v6.5.X. For information about reviewing procedure runs in Tempo v7.0.X, review the Reviewing a Procedure Run (v7.0.x) article.


Access to procedure runs is limited based upon a user's role and whether they have been assigned to a specific procedure run as a User.

As soon as a procedure run is created, the system creates a summary of the run within the Tempo web app. Depending on the stage a procedure run is in, certain actions can be taken from the procedure run in the web app, such as assigning additional users the run or submitting a completed procedure run for approval.

This article is composed of the following topics:

Accessing the Procedure Runs page

To access the Procedure Runs page from the left navigation panel, click cloud Tempo > Procedures > Runs. A list of the procedure runs that the user can view or edit displays.

From the Procedure Runs page, users can filter, sort, and locate a specific procedure run based on information like title, initiator (the operator who started the run), state (in-progress, completed, etc.), date started, date completed, and more.

Viewing the Procedure Run page

Click the title of any procedure run to view a summary of the run and/or to take specific actions on the run.


1. Title

The Procedure Run title is inherited from the Procedure Template executed using an iPad or Apprentice-powered headset.

2. Tabs

Each tab located at the top of a procedure run in the web app provides access to a different layer of data that Tempo has collected about the run. Click a tab to view its contents. Below is breakdown of the data you'll find on each tab.

1SummaryThe default tab displayed on a Procedure Run, it contains information about the Progress, Duration, Notifications, Users, Details, and Material Outputs of the run.
2AssignA list of the procedure Owner, Author(s), and Assignee(s).
3ExceptionsDisplays the number of exceptions triggered during procedure execution, following the tab title (refer to the image above) and on the tab itself. Authorized Exception Approvers can click Approve to approve an exception.
4ParametersDisplays a list of any parameters added to the Procedure Template executed to produce this run.
5DocumentDisplays the source document used to create the Procedure Template, if any was used.
6StepsA detailed breakdown of the steps included in the procedure and an indication of which steps were successfully completed and which triggered an exception during execution, if any. Click a step to view the Text and Audio Instructions and Inputs added to each step.
7BOM/BOEA breakdown of the Material and Equipment added to the Procedure Template.
8A-NotesDisplays the type and details (Observation or Non-Conformance) of any A-Note(s) created by the operator during execution. Exceptions triggered during execution will also be displayed here and Authorized Exception Approvers can click Approve to approve them.
9HistoryA detailed breakdown of any changes that have occured to the procedure state.

3. Summary

Below is breakdown of the data you'll find on this tab.

1ProgressThe number of steps executed and a percentage of the steps completed.
2DurationThe amount of time spent executing the procedure.
3Needs AttentionThe number of Exceptions triggered and the number of A-Notes created by the Operator during the procedure execution.
4UsersThe first and last names of the Operators who executed the procedure.
5DetailsThe Procedure run ID, Batch run ID (if the procedure executed was included in a Batch run), the procedure template Type, and the procedure template Version.
6Material OutputsThe material output that executing the procedure will produce, if any.

4. Procedure Run Stage and Next Steps

Displays the status of the procedure run and the next step in the process. Click to update the stage or take action on the run, such as putting it on hold, or aborting the run entirely.

Review the Procedure Run Lifecycle & Stages Overview article to better understand which actions are available during each stage of the procedure run.

5. Procedure Run Report

Click to print the data from one or more tabs of the Procedure Run. Users can select or deselect the tabs of information to be included in the report.

Next steps

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