Tandem Call Logs Overview
  • 03 Jan 2024
  • 3 読む分

Tandem Call Logs Overview

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Tandem Call Logs list

Who can use this feature?
  🌐 ✔️ MES (v6.5.X) ✔️ AWI (v6.5.X) ✔️ LES (v6.5.X)
  💻 Web app
  👤 System Admin users

VERSION NOTE: This article provides an overview of Tandem Call Logs in Tempo v6.5.X. For information about Logs in Tempo v7.0.X, review the [Logs Overview](/v1/docs/logs-overview) article.

When a Tandem session takes place, all call details including participant names, call quality, media captures, and more are recorded in the Tandem Call Logs section of the Tempo web application. The purpose of the call logs is to provide an organization's administrators with in-depth call analyses that are useful for audits, business analytics, and troubleshooting session issues.

To access a full list of Tandem logs, click Platform Logs on the left navigation panel followed by Tandem Call Logs.


  • Sessions: Total number of Tandem sessions that have occurred in your organization.
  • Total Time: Total amount of time accrued in all Tandem sessions.
  • Average Time: Average amount of time spent in a Tandem session.
  • Columns: Add or remove a column from the list.
  • Reset Filters: Reset the filters on the list.
  • More Options menu: Export or print the list of Tandem calls.
  • Type: Tandem session type (ad hoc, scheduled, etc.).
  • Meeting ID: Tandem session's meeting ID.
  • Name: Name of the Tandem session, if any.
  • Participants: Name(s) of all Tandem participants.
  • Team: List of teams who participated in the Tandem session.
  • Session Creation Date: Date and time that the Tandem session was started or created in the system.
  • Duration: Total time spent in the Tandem session.
  • Tags: Tags added to the Tandem session, if any.
  • Media: Displays image captures or recordings taken during the Tandem session, if any.
  • Scheduled Session Start: Date and time that the scheduled session is expected to start, if applicable. The log displays N/A if the session is ad-hoc.
  • Column Options menu: Pin, autosize, or reset the column of your choice.
  • Filter: Filter for specific results.
  • Call Log Key: Identifies call log items with icons displayed on the list.

Tandem Call Logs details

To review a session's call log in more detail, click on a session of your choice from the list.


The About tab includes basic information such as the session name, participants list, and tagging options.

Tandem Call Log About.png

1About tabArea of log that includes basic session info.
2NameAdd, edit, or remove the session name.
3ParticipantsView a list of all Tandem participants.
4TagsAdd, edit, or remove session tags.
5SaveClick to save any changes made in the About tab.

Call Log

The Call Log tab includes a detailed time log of participants and their actions taken during the Tandem session.

Tandem Call Log.png

1Call Log tabArea of log that includes detailed timestamps of participant actions.
2RequestedDetails the name of the participant who initiated the session.
3JoinedDetails the name of the participant(s) and the time they joined the session.
4Approved/Denied GuestDetails the name of the guest(s) and the participant who approved or denied their request.
5Media CaptureDetails any screenshots, recordings, or other captured media.
6LeftDetails the name of the participant(s) and the time they left the session.


The Captures tab includes any type of media (screenshot, snapshot, recording, etc.) taken during the Tandem session or Solo Recording.

Tandem Call Logs Captures Tab.png

1Captures tabArea of log that includes media files taken during a session.
2Media captureThe type of media captured during the session. The title will differ depending on the type.
3View or Download CaptureView the media in a larger window or download the image to your device.

Call Quality

The Call Quality tab includes detailed call analytics for individual participants and the device they used to join the Tandem session.

Call Quality Log.png

1Call Quality tabArea of log that includes detailed call analytics.
2Filter by UserFilter the analyses by Tandem participants.
3Session MetricsView session metrics graphs for Video Resolution and Connection Status.
4Graph Options menuView, print, or download image files of the selected graph.
5Filter by DeviceFilter the analyses by Tandem devices.
6DrawClick to view all session analytics.
7Device SensorsView device sensors graphs for video/audio bitrate, video packet loss, and more.

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