Tandem Headset Application Overview
  • 13 Feb 2024
  • 4 読む分

Tandem Headset Application Overview

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Who can use this feature?
  🌐 Tandem (v6.5.X, v7.1.X+)
  💻 Headset app
  👤 All users

VERSION NOTE: The RealWare Apprentice powered headset is supported in Tandem v6.5.X (HMT-1, HMT-1Z1) and Tandem v7.1.X and subsequent versions (Navigator 500 series).
When an operator logs in to Tandem on the Apprentice-powered headset, there are two primary areas of the application that they can interact with: the Tandem dashboard and the in-session window. Review the sections below to learn more about the Tandem voice commands a headset operator can utilize when navigating the Tandem headset app.

This article covers the following topics:

Tandem dashboard voice commands

The Tandem dashboard on the Apprentice-powered headset is the first page headset operators are directed to upon logging in to the Tandem application.

tandem 6.4 headset dashboard.png

  • Broadcast: Opens a menu to send a headset-to-headset audio message to your team.

    • Select a Team: Opens a menu of the team(s) you are a part of in the system.
      • To cancel the current broadcast message, say "Cancel."
        • To record a new broadcast message, say "Record New."
      • To send the broadcast message to the team you selected, say "Send."
      • To send the broadcast message to a different team, say "Change Team."
  • Call [First Name]: Starts an ad-hoc Tandem session with a participant from your contact list.

  • Capture: Opens a menu to capture a Snapshot or Recording. Users can only use the Capture feature if the annotations and recordings permissions are enabled on their account. For more information on enabling the annotations and recording features for a user account, refer to the Adding a User Account article.

    • Snapshot: Opens the headset camera to capture a still image.
      • To take an image, say "Take Photo."
        • To retake the image, say "Retake."
        • To save or send the most recent image, say "Done."
          • To send the image to an internal contact, say "Send."
    • Recording: Opens the headset camera to capture a video recording.
      • To capture a video recording, say "Start Recording."
        • To stop the recording, say "Stop Recording."
          • To send the recording to an internal contact, say "Send."
          • To record a new video, say "Record new video."
          • To close the window, say "Close."
  • Rejoin Last Session: Opens the last Tandem session you previously joined on the headset.

  • Favorites: Opens a list of contacts you have favorited in your organization.

  • Search: Searches through a list of contacts in your organization.

  • Menu: Opens a Tandem system menu with the following options:

    • Capture: Opens a menu to capture a Snapshot or Recording.
    • Refresh: Refreshes the Tandem application.
    • Broadcast: Opens a menu to send a headset-to-headset audio message to your team.
    • Log Out: Logs the current user out of the Tandem application.

In-session Tandem voice commands

When a headset operator joins a session on the Apprentice-powered headset, the session window below displays.


  • Switch View: Opens a menu with various screen options to switch the microdisplay to in order to better view a screenshare or other participant thumbnail.
    • If there is only one other participant, this command automatically switches to the other participant's point of view.
    • If there is more than one participant, this command opens a menu with the following options:
      • My Camera: Switches the microdisplay to your personal headset point of view.
      • Screen share: Switches the microdisplay to whichever participant is sharing their screen.
      • [Participant Name]: Switches the microdisplay to a user tile (participant thumbnail) of your choice.

Switching the headset's microdisplay view does not change the view for Tandem participants on the web app.

  • Menu: Opens a Tandem system menu with the following options:

    • Snapshots: Displays a dialog that includes any still images or HD screenshots taken during the active Tandem session.
      • To open an image or HD screenshot, say "Select Item [Item Number]."
        • To navigate back to the active Tandem session, say "Navigate Back."
    • Add User: Allows the operator to add additional participants to the session in real time.
      • To add a user, say the contact's name.

      • To say the name of the contact again, say "Retake."

      • To close the window and return to the session, say "Done."

    • Toggle Flashlight: Turns the headset camera flashlight on and off.
    • Mute: Turns the Tandem microphone off.
      • To turn the Tandem microphone on, say "Unmute."
    • Page Down: Navigates down in the Tandem menu display.
    • Screen Off: Turns the Tandem microdisplay off to save headset battery. Any audio and visual information will continue to be shared with other Tandem users or recorded, as applicable
      • To turn the Tandem microdisplay on, say "Screen On."
    • Diagnostics: Displays information about the headset, wireless network, and Tandem session for troubleshooting purposes.
      • To return to the active Tandem session, say "Navigate Back."
    • Start Recording: Allows the operator to capture a live recording of the Tandem session.
  • End Session: Opens a dialog to end the Tandem session for the headset operator.

    • Confirm: Allows the headset operator to leave the Tandem session.

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
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